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Single Idea 24242

[catalogued under 27. Natural Reality / E. Cosmology / 10. Multiverse]

Full Idea

Is there a single universe, or would it be more correct to speak of a plurality, even an infinite plurality, of universes? No, there can be only one, if it is to be created by the craftsman-god so as to correspond to its model.

Gist of Idea

Is there a plurality (or even an infinity) of universes? No, because the model makes it unique


Plato (Timaeus [c.362 BCE], 30d)

A Reaction

Democritus believed there was an infinite plurality of universes. Does this entail that there could only be one horse, and one thing of beauty, and one truth - to correspond to their Forms? Presumably not!

Book Reference

Plato: 'Timaeus and Critias', ed/tr. Waterfield,Robin [OUP 2008], p.19