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Single Idea 24245

[catalogued under 27. Natural Reality / D. Time / 1. Nature of Time / d. Time as measure]

Full Idea

In the very act of ordering the universe the god created a likeness of eternity, a likeness that progresses eternally through the sequence of numbers, while eternity abides in oneness. This image of eternity is what we have come to call 'time'.

Gist of Idea

The god created eternity in the sequence of the universe, and its image we call 'time'


Plato (Timaeus [c.362 BCE], 37d)

A Reaction

As in Aristotle, the Greek view is usually that movement creates time. But it is hard to conceive movement without a prior conception of time.

Book Reference

Plato: 'Timaeus and Critias', ed/tr. Waterfield,Robin [OUP 2008], p.25