11 ideas
7910 | Pursue truth with the urgency of someone whose clothes are on fire [Ashvaghosha] |
7522 | A full neural account of qualia will give new epistemic access to them, beyond private experience [Churchlands] |
7521 | It is question-begging to assume that qualia are totally simple, hence irreducible [Churchlands] |
7523 | The qualia Hard Problem is easy, in comparison with the co-ordination of mental states [Churchlands] |
7906 | When the Buddha reached the highest level of insight, he could detect no self in the world [Ashvaghosha] |
20761 | If existence is absurd it can never have a meaning [Beauvoir] |
20746 | One is not born, but rather becomes a woman [Beauvoir] |
7905 | The Buddha sought ultimate reality and the final goal of existence in his meditations [Ashvaghosha] |
7909 | The Eightfold Path concerns morality, wisdom, and tranquillity [Ashvaghosha] |
7904 | The first stage of trance is calm amidst applied and discursive thinking [Ashvaghosha] |
7908 | At the end of a saint, he is not located in space, but just ceases to be disturbed [Ashvaghosha] |