Combining Philosophers

All the ideas for Arcesilaus, Jackson/Pargetter/Prior and Hilbert,D/Ackermann,W

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3 ideas

4. Formal Logic / C. Predicate Calculus PC / 1. Predicate Calculus PC
The first clear proof of the consistency of the first order predicate logic was in 1928 [Hilbert/Ackermann, by Walicki]
13. Knowledge Criteria / D. Scepticism / 3. Illusion Scepticism
A false object might give the same presentation as a true one [Arcesilaus, by Cicero]
17. Mind and Body / B. Behaviourism / 2. Potential Behaviour
Dispositions are second-order properties, the property of having some property [Jackson/Pargetter/Prior, by Armstrong]