Single Idea 4133

[catalogued under 25. Social Practice / F. Life Issues / 6. Animal Rights]

Full Idea

Speciesism is falsely modelled on racism and sexism, which really are prejudices; ..our arguments have to be founded on the human point of view; they cannot be derived from a point of view that is no one's point of view at all.


'Speciesism' is an irrational preference for humans over animals

Gist of Idea

Speciesism isn't like racism, because the former implies a viewpoint which belongs to no one


Bernard Williams (Ethics and the Limits of Philosophy [1985], Ch. 6)

Book Reference

Williams,Bernard: 'Ethics and the Limits of Philosophy' [Fontana 1985], p.118

A Reaction

This must be wrong. How else are we going to judge cruelty to animals as wrong? The 'point of view of the Universe' (Sidgwick) is not an empty concept.