Full Idea
Paderewski (as pianist and as politician) has two names in Mentalese. If you think there are two Paderewskis, it's important that what you get when you retrieve the pianist file differs from the politician file. You can then merge the two files.
Gist of Idea
'Paderewski' has two names in mentalese, for his pianist file and his politician file
Jerry A. Fodor (LOT 2 [2008], Ch.3 App)
Book Reference
Fodor,Jerry A.: 'LOT 2: the Language of Thought Revisited' [OUP 2008], p.96
A Reaction
The same will apply to 'Hespherus' and 'Phosphorus'. We can re-separate the 'morning star' and 'evening star' files if we wish to discuss ancient Egyptian attitudes to such things. I love this idea of Fodor's. Explanations flow from it.