Single Idea 16431

[catalogued under 19. Language / C. Assigning Meanings / 10. Two-Dimensional Semantics]

Full Idea

On the metasemantic interpretation of the two-dimensional framework, the second dimension is used to represent the metasemantic facts about the relation between a thinker or speaker and the contents of her thoughts or utterances.

Gist of Idea

In one view, the secondary intension is metasemantic, about how the thinker relates to the content


Robert C. Stalnaker (Conceptual truth and metaphysical necessity [2003], 4)

Book Reference

Stalnaker,Robert C.: 'Ways a World Might Be' [OUP 2003], p.209

A Reaction

I'm struggling to think what facts there might be about the relation between myself and the contents of my thoughts. I'm more or less constituted by my thoughts.