Full Idea
Kant explains the general validity of geometrical truths by maintaining that the particularity is genuine and ineliminable but is used as a schema. One abstracts from the particular elements of the objects of intuition in forming a general object.
Gist of Idea
Geometrical truth comes from a general schema abstracted from a particular object
report of Immanuel Kant (Critique of Pure Reason [1781], B741/A713) by Tyler Burge - Frege on Apriority (with ps) 4
Book Reference
Burge,Tyler: 'Truth, Thought, Reason (on Frege)' [OUP 2001], p.380
A Reaction
A helpful summary by Burge of a rather wordy but very interesting section of Kant. I like the idea of being 'abstracted', but am not sure why that must be from one particular instance [certainty?]. The essence of triangles emerges from comparisons.