Single Idea 18424

[catalogued under 18. Thought / A. Modes of Thought / 9. Indexical Thought]

Full Idea

It is plausible that you and I can have perceptual experiences with the same phenomenology of two trees at different distances from us (perhaps at different times). ..So our perceptual experiences cannot contain you or me in the content of representation.

Gist of Idea

If two people can have phenomenally identical experiences, they can't involve the self


Berit Brogaard (Perceptual Content and Monadic Truth [2009], p.223), quoted by Cappelen,H/Dever,Josh - The Inessential Indexical 08.2

Book Reference

Cappelen,H/Dever,J: 'The Inessential Indexical' [OUP 2013], p.147

A Reaction

If you accept the example, which seems reasonable, then that pretty conclusively shows that perception is not inherently indexical.