Single Idea 1922

[catalogued under 1. Philosophy / A. Wisdom / 1. Nature of Wisdom]

Full Idea

If virtue is a beneficial attribute of spirit, it must be wisdom; for spiritual qualities are not in themselves advantageous, but become so with wisdom…..Hence men cannot be good by nature.


'Virtue' is the Greek word 'areté', also translated as 'excellence'. 'Wisdom' is the Greek word 'sophia'

Gist of Idea

Spiritual qualities only become advantageous with the growth of wisdom


Plato (Meno [c.376 BCE], 88c)

Book Reference

Plato: 'Protagoras and Meno', ed/tr. Guthrie,W K C [Penguin 1956], p.142

A Reaction

Personally I haven't got any 'spiritual qualities', so I don't really understand this.