Single Idea 20733

[catalogued under 23. Ethics / F. Existentialism / 5. Existence-Essence]

Full Idea

'Existence precedes essence' means there is no pre-given 'essence' that determines who and what we are. We are self-making beings.

Gist of Idea

Our 'existence' is how we create ourselves, unconstrained by any prior 'essence'


Kevin Aho (Existentialism: an introduction [2014], Pref 'What?)

Book Reference

Aho,Kevin: 'Existentialism: an introduction' [Polity 2014], p.-8

A Reaction

This not a yes/no dilemma. Personally I believe (with Aristotle, and Steven Pinker) that there is a fairly comprehensive 'human nature' which we all share, and is the basis of ethics. On top of that, though, a fair bit of 'self-making' can go on.