Full Idea
The civil state, regarded purely as a lawful state, is based on the following a priori principles. 1) the freedom of every member as a human being, 2) the equality of each as a subject, 3) the independence of each as a subject.
Gist of Idea
A lawful civil state must embody freedom, equality and independence for its members
Immanuel Kant (True in Theory, but not in Practice [1792], 2 Intro)
Book Reference
Kant,Immanuel: 'Political Writings', ed/tr. Reiss,Hans [CUP 1996], p.74
A Reaction
Written in 1792, three years after the start of the French Revolution. He says that a state with an inbuilt hierarchy or aristocracy is unlawful. Which freedoms, equality in what respects, and independence from what?