Single Idea 23031

[catalogued under 28. God / A. Divine Nature / 1. God]

Full Idea

God is a subject which is eternally all that the self-conscious subject as developed in time has the possibility of becoming.

Gist of Idea

God is the ideal end of the mature mind's final development


T.H. Green (works [1875]), quoted by John H. Muirhead - The Service of the State I

Book Reference

Muirhead,John H.: 'The Service of the State: T.H. Green' [John Murray 2021], p.17

A Reaction

[Ethics p.197] Reminiscent of Peirce's account of truth, as the ideal end of enquiry. If God is a human ideal, we either limit God, or exaggerate our powers of idealisation.

Related Idea

Idea 14796 Independent truth (if there is any) is the ultimate result of sufficient enquiry [Peirce]