Single Idea 23179

[catalogued under 25. Social Practice / D. Justice / 1. Basis of justice]

Full Idea

There are many differences of degrees among men, for instance, some are soldiers, some are priests, some are princes. Therefore some special kind of right should be alloted to them.

Gist of Idea

People differ in their social degrees, and a particular type of right applies to each


Thomas Aquinas (Summa Theologicae [1265], II-II Q57 4)

Book Reference

Aquinas,Thomas: 'On Law, Morality and Politics', ed/tr. Baumgarth,W. /Regan R. [Hackett 1988], p.142

A Reaction

An objection (3), but Aquinas endorses it in his reply. In 58.10 he says striking a prince is worse that striking a commoner. The shift to the idea that everyone is supposed to be equal before the law has been slow, and we are not quite there yet.