Single Idea 3114

[catalogued under 18. Thought / C. Content / 7. Narrow Content]

Full Idea

If the words of 'Swamp Man' (spontaneously created, with concepts) are about XYZ on Twin Earth, it is not because he's causally connected to the stuff, but because XYZ would cause his 'water' tokens (in the absence of H2O).

Gist of Idea

Concepts aren't linked to stuff; they are what is caused by stuff


Jerry A. Fodor (The Elm and the Expert [1993], App B)

Book Reference

Fodor,Jerry A.: 'The Elm and the Expert' [MIT 1995], p.118

A Reaction

The sight of the Eiffel tower causes my 'France' tokens, so is my word "France" about the Eiffel Tower? What would cause my 'nothing' tokens?