Single Idea 15222

[catalogued under 9. Objects / E. Objects over Time / 2. Objects that Change]

Full Idea

Some individuals to gain or lose certain capacities or powers, but do not thereby lose their identity. They still have the same nature. A drug, or photographic paper, may lose effectiveness over time.

Gist of Idea

Some individuals can gain or lose capacities or powers, without losing their identity


Harré,R./Madden,E.H. (Causal Powers [1975], 1.II.C)

Book Reference

Harré,R/Madden,E.H.: 'Causal Powers: A Theory of Natural Necessity' [Blackwell 1975], p.14

A Reaction

Damn! I thought I was the first to spot this problem! I, however, take it to be much more metaphysically significant than Harré and Madden do. The question is whether those properties were essential, since they can be lost. Essential but not necessary!