Single Idea 18441

[catalogued under 9. Objects / A. Existence of Objects / 5. Individuation / a. Individuation]

Full Idea

We have an acceptable notion of class, or physical object, or attribute, or any other sort of object, only insofar as we have an acceptable principle of individuation for that sort of object. There is no entity without identity.

Gist of Idea

No entity without identity (which requires a principle of individuation)


Willard Quine (On the Individuation of Attributes [1975], p.102)

Book Reference

Quine,Willard: 'Theories and Things' [Harvard 1981], p.102

A Reaction

Note that this is his criterion for an 'acceptable' notion. Presumably that is for science. It permits less acceptable notions which don't come up to the standard. And presumably true things can be said about the less acceptable entities.