Single Idea 5421

[catalogued under 3. Truth / D. Coherence Truth / 1. Coherence Truth]

Full Idea

The coherence theory of truth says falsehood is a failure to cohere in the body of our beliefs, and that it is the essence of a truth to form part of the completely rounded system which is The Truth.

Gist of Idea

The coherence theory says falsehood is failure to cohere, and truth is fitting into a complete system of Truth


Bertrand Russell (Problems of Philosophy [1912], Ch.12)

Book Reference

Russell,Bertrand: 'The Problems of Philosophy' [OUP 1995], p.70

A Reaction

One could embrace the idea of coherence without accepting the extravagant ninenteenth century Idealists' dream of an ultimate complete Truth (or Absolute). The theory needs a decent account of coherence to get off the ground.