Single Idea 6371

[catalogued under 13. Knowledge Criteria / A. Justification Problems / 1. Justification / a. Justification issues]

Full Idea

Bayesian epistemology is based upon the 'simple rule' (believe P if it is sufficiently probable) and Bayes' Theorem.


'Bayes' Theorem' is an equation for assessing probability

Gist of Idea

Bayesian epistemology is Bayes' Theorem plus the 'simple rule' (believe P if it is probable)


J Pollock / J Cruz (Contemporary theories of Knowledge (2nd) [1999], §4.3.1)

Book Reference

Pollock,J.L./Cruz,J: 'Contemporary Theories of Knowledge (2nd)' [Rowman and Littlefield 1999], p.101

A Reaction

For Bayes' Theorem, see Idea 2798. There is the question of whether the proposition is subjectively or objectively probable (I believe in ghosts, so any shadow is probably a ghost). There is also the problem of objective evidence for the calculation.

Related Idea

Idea 2798 Probability of H, given evidence E, is prob(H) x prob(E given H) / prob(E) [Horwich]