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Single Idea 10016

[filed under theme 5. Theory of Logic / I. Semantics of Logic / 1. Semantics of Logic ]

Full Idea

A model is created when a language is 'interpreted', by assigning non-logical terms to objects in a set, according to a 'true-in' relation, but we must bear in mind that this 'interpretation' does not associate anything like Fregean senses with terms.

Gist of Idea

When an 'interpretation' creates a model based on truth, this doesn't include Fregean 'sense'


Harold Hodes (Logicism and Ontological Commits. of Arithmetic [1984], p.131)

Book Ref

-: 'Journal of Philosophy' [-], p.131

A Reaction

This seems like a key point (also made by Hofweber) that formal accounts of numbers, as required by logic, will not give an adequate account of the semantics of number-terms in natural languages.

The 10 ideas from 'Logicism and Ontological Commits. of Arithmetic'

Mathematics is higher-order modal logic [Hodes]
It is claimed that numbers are objects which essentially represent cardinality quantifiers [Hodes]
Identity is a level one relation with a second-order definition [Hodes]
When an 'interpretation' creates a model based on truth, this doesn't include Fregean 'sense' [Hodes]
Truth in a model is more tractable than the general notion of truth [Hodes]
Higher-order logic may be unintelligible, but it isn't set theory [Hodes]
Truth is quite different in interpreted set theory and in the skeleton of its language [Hodes]
Numerical terms can't really stand for quantifiers, because that would make them first-level [Hodes]
Talk of mirror images is 'encoded fictions' about real facts [Hodes]
Arithmetic must allow for the possibility of only a finite total of objects [Hodes]