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Single Idea 10334

[filed under theme 13. Knowledge Criteria / C. External Justification / 7. Testimony ]

Full Idea

Testimony is an area in which epistemology meets ethics.

Gist of Idea

Testimony is an area in which epistemology meets ethics


Martin Kusch (Knowledge by Agreement [2002], Ch. 5)

Book Ref

Kusch,Martin: 'Knowledge by Agreement' [OUP 2004], p.49

A Reaction

This is very thought-provoking. A key concept linking the two would be 'respect'. Consider also 'experts'.

The 28 ideas from Martin Kusch

Vindicating testimony is an expression of individualism [Kusch]
Testimony does not just transmit knowledge between individuals - it actually generates knowledge [Kusch]
Communitarian Epistemology says 'knowledge' is a social status granted to groups of people [Kusch]
Omniscience is incoherent, since knowledge is a social concept [Kusch]
Some want to reduce testimony to foundations of perceptions, memories and inferences [Kusch]
Testimony won't reduce to perception, if perception depends on social concepts and categories [Kusch]
Testimony is reliable if it coheres with evidence for a belief, and with other beliefs [Kusch]
A foundation is what is intelligible, hence from a rational source, and tending towards truth [Kusch]
Myths about lonely genius are based on epistemological individualism [Kusch]
Testimony is an area in which epistemology meets ethics [Kusch]
We can have knowledge without belief, if others credit us with knowledge [Kusch]
Powerless people are assumed to be unreliable, even about their own lives [Kusch]
Communitarianism in epistemology sees the community as the primary knower [Kusch]
Foundations seem utterly private, even from oneself at a later time [Kusch]
The coherentist restricts the space of reasons to the realm of beliefs [Kusch]
Justification depends on the audience and one's social role [Kusch]
Individualistic coherentism lacks access to all of my beliefs, or critical judgement of my assessment [Kusch]
Process reliabilism has been called 'virtue epistemology', resting on perception, memory, reason [Kusch]
Our experience may be conceptual, but surely not the world itself? [Kusch]
Individual coherentism cannot generate the necessary normativity [Kusch]
Cultures decide causal routes, and they can be critically assessed [Kusch]
Natural kinds are social institutions [Kusch]
Private justification is justification to imagined other people [Kusch]
To be considered 'an individual' is performed by a society [Kusch]
Tarskians distinguish truth from falsehood by relations between members of sets [Kusch]
Correspondence could be with other beliefs, rather than external facts [Kusch]
Often socialising people is the only way to persuade them [Kusch]
Methodological Solipsism assumes all ideas could be derived from one mind [Kusch]