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Single Idea 10557

[filed under theme 18. Thought / E. Abstraction / 2. Abstracta by Selection ]

Full Idea

My object theory is formulated in a 'syntactically second-order' modal predicate calculus modified only so as to admit a second kind of atomic formula ('xF'), which asserts that object x 'encodes' property F.

Gist of Idea

Abstract objects are captured by second-order modal logic, plus 'encoding' formulas


Edward N. Zalta (Deriving Kripkean Claims with Abstract Objects [2006], p.2)

Book Ref

-: 'Nous' [-], p.2

A Reaction

This is summarising Zalta's 1983 theory of abstract objects. See Idea 10558 for Zalta's idea in plain English.

Related Idea

Idea 10558 Abstract objects are actually constituted by the properties by which we conceive them [Zalta]

The 2 ideas from 'Deriving Kripkean Claims with Abstract Objects'

Abstract objects are actually constituted by the properties by which we conceive them [Zalta]
Abstract objects are captured by second-order modal logic, plus 'encoding' formulas [Zalta]