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Single Idea 10633

[filed under theme 2. Reason / D. Definition / 12. Paraphrase ]

Full Idea

The Geach-Kaplan sentence 'Some critics admire only one another' provably has no singular first-order paraphrase using only its predicates.

Gist of Idea

'Some critics admire only one another' cannot be paraphrased in singular first-order


Øystein Linnebo (Plural Quantification [2008], 1)

Book Ref

'Stanford Online Encyclopaedia of Philosophy', ed/tr. Stanford University [], p.2

A Reaction

There seems to be a choice of either going second-order (picking out a property), or going plural (collectively quantifying), or maybe both.

The 10 ideas from 'Plural Quantification'

'Some critics admire only one another' cannot be paraphrased in singular first-order [Linnebo]
Predicates are 'distributive' or 'non-distributive'; do individuals do what the group does? [Linnebo]
Second-order quantification and plural quantification are different [Linnebo]
Plural plurals are unnatural and need a first-level ontology [Linnebo]
Ordinary speakers posit objects without concern for ontology [Linnebo]
A pure logic is wholly general, purely formal, and directly known [Linnebo]
Plural quantification may allow a monadic second-order theory with first-order ontology [Linnebo]
Instead of complex objects like tables, plurally quantify over mereological atoms tablewise [Linnebo]
Traditionally we eliminate plurals by quantifying over sets [Linnebo]
We speak of a theory's 'ideological commitments' as well as its 'ontological commitments' [Linnebo]