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Single Idea 10658

[filed under theme 9. Objects / C. Structure of Objects / 8. Parts of Objects / c. Wholes from parts ]

Full Idea

We might say that sameness of parts is not sufficient for identity, as some entities may differ exclusively with respect to the arrangement of the parts, as when we compare 'John loves Mary' with 'Mary loves John'.

Gist of Idea

Sameness of parts won't guarantee identity if their arrangement matters


Achille Varzi (Mereology [2003], 3.2)

Book Ref

'Stanford Online Encyclopaedia of Philosophy', ed/tr. Stanford University [], p.9

A Reaction

Presumably wide dispersal should also prevent parts from fixing wholes, but there is so much vagueness here that it is tempting to go for unrestricted composition, and then work back to the common sense position.

The 11 ideas from Achille Varzi

Mereology need not be nominalist, though it is often taken to be so [Varzi]
Parts may or may not be attached, demarcated, arbitrary, material, extended, spatial or temporal [Varzi]
'Part' stands for a reflexive, antisymmetric and transitive relation [Varzi]
If 'part' is reflexive, then identity is a limit case of parthood [Varzi]
Maybe set theory need not be well-founded [Varzi]
Conceivability may indicate possibility, but literary fantasy does not [Varzi]
The parthood relation will help to define at least seven basic predicates [Varzi]
Are there mereological atoms, and are all objects made of them? [Varzi]
Sameness of parts won't guarantee identity if their arrangement matters [Varzi]
There is something of which everything is part, but no null-thing which is part of everything [Varzi]
'Composition is identity' says multitudes are the reality, loosely composing single things [Varzi]