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Single Idea 10664

[filed under theme 9. Objects / C. Structure of Objects / 5. Composition of an Object ]

Full Idea

Complex particulars are of at least three types: masses (which sum, of which we do not ask 'how many?' but 'how much?'); composite individuals (how many?, and summing usually fails); and sets (only divisible one way, unlike composites).

Gist of Idea

Complex particulars are either masses, or composites, or sets


Keith Hossack (Plurals and Complexes [2000], 1)

Book Ref

-: 'British Soc for the Philosophy of Science' [-], p.412

A Reaction

A composite pile of grains of sand gradually becomes a mass, and drops of water become 'water everywhere'. A set of people divides into individual humans, but redescribe the elements as the union of males and females?

The 21 ideas from 'Plurals and Complexes'

Plural reference will refer to complex facts without postulating complex things [Hossack]
Complex particulars are either masses, or composites, or sets [Hossack]
Leibniz's Law argues against atomism - water is wet, unlike water molecules [Hossack]
A thought can refer to many things, but only predicate a universal and affirm a state of affairs [Hossack]
We are committed to a 'group' of children, if they are sitting in a circle [Hossack]
Plural reference is just an abbreviation when properties are distributive, but not otherwise [Hossack]
Plural definite descriptions pick out the largest class of things that fit the description [Hossack]
Plural language can discuss without inconsistency things that are not members of themselves [Hossack]
A plural comprehension principle says there are some things one of which meets some condition [Hossack]
A plural language gives a single comprehensive induction axiom for arithmetic [Hossack]
The Axiom of Choice is a non-logical principle of set-theory [Hossack]
Extensional mereology needs two definitions and two axioms [Hossack]
The relation of composition is indispensable to the part-whole relation for individuals [Hossack]
The fusion of five rectangles can decompose into more than five parts that are rectangles [Hossack]
In arithmetic singularists need sets as the instantiator of numeric properties [Hossack]
The theory of the transfinite needs the ordinal numbers [Hossack]
I take the real numbers to be just lengths [Hossack]
We could ignore space, and just talk of the shape of matter [Hossack]
Set theory is the science of infinity [Hossack]
The Axiom of Choice guarantees a one-one correspondence from sets to ordinals [Hossack]
Maybe we reduce sets to ordinals, rather than the other way round [Hossack]