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Single Idea 12739

[filed under theme 11. Knowledge Aims / C. Knowing Reality / 2. Phenomenalism ]

Full Idea

Skeptics may doubt the truth of things, and if it pleases them to call the things that occur to us dreams, it suffices for these dreams to be in agreement with each other, and to obey certain laws.

Gist of Idea

If we are dreaming, it is sufficient that the events are coherent, and obey laws


Gottfried Leibniz (On Perceptions [1680], A6.4.1398), quoted by Daniel Garber - Leibniz:Body,Substance,Monad 7

Book Ref

Garber,Daniel: 'Leibniz: Body, Substance, Monad' [OUP 2009], p.280

A Reaction

Leibniz flirted a great deal with phenomenalism throughout the middle of his career, as charted by Garber. Descartes made similar points. It is really only Berkeley who took this idea seriously.

The 31 ideas with the same theme [reality is just actual and potential appearances]:

Everything that exists consists in being perceived [Protagoras]
My perceiving of things may be false, but my seeming to perceive them cannot be false [Descartes]
If we are dreaming, it is sufficient that the events are coherent, and obey laws [Leibniz]
Berkeley needed a phenomenalist account of the self, as well as of material things [Ayer on Berkeley]
Berkeley did not deny material things; he merely said they must be defined through sensations [Berkeley, by Ayer]
Sensible objects are just sets of sensible qualities [Berkeley]
Perception is existence for my table, but also possible perception, by me or a spirit [Berkeley]
There are possible inhabitants of the moon, but they are just possible experiences [Kant]
External objects are permanent possibilities of sensation [Mill]
Behind the bare phenomenal facts there is nothing [Wright,Ch]
Appearance is the sole reality of things, to which all predicates refer [Nietzsche]
Russell rejected phenomenalism because it couldn't account for causal relations [Russell, by Grayling]
Where possible, logical constructions are to be substituted for inferred entities [Russell]
Are sense-data the material of which the universe is made? [Wittgenstein]
Appearances do not hide the essence; appearances are the essence [Sartre]
No one has defended translational phenomenalism since Ayer in 1940 [Ayer, by Kim]
Logical positivists could never give the sense-data equivalent of 'there is a table next door' [Robinson,H on Ayer]
Material things are constructions from actual and possible occurrences of sense-contents [Ayer]
Modern phenomenalism holds that objects are logical constructions out of sense-data [Ayer]
We can never translate our whole language of objects into phenomenalism [Quine]
The existence of a universe without sentience or intelligence is an unintelligible fantasy [Dummett]
Phenomenalism includes possible experiences, but idealism only refers to actual experiences [Dancy,J]
Phenomenalism is a form of idealism [Williams,M]
If you gradually remove a book's sensory properties, what is left at the end? [Audi,R]
Sense-data theory is indirect realism, but phenomenalism is direct irrealism [Audi,R]
Phenomenalism can be theistic (Berkeley), or sceptical (Hume), or analytic (20th century) [Robinson,H]
Phenomenalism offered conclusive perceptual knowledge, but conclusive reasons no longer seem essential [Pollock/Cruz]
The phenomenalist says that to be is to be perceivable [Cardinal/Hayward/Jones]
Linguistic phenomenalism says we can eliminate talk of physical objects [Cardinal/Hayward/Jones]
If we lack enough sense-data, are we to say that parts of reality are 'indeterminate'? [Cardinal/Hayward/Jones]
A philosopher and his wife are out for a drive... [Sommers,W]