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Single Idea 13239

[filed under theme 18. Thought / A. Modes of Thought / 6. Judgement / a. Nature of Judgement ]

Full Idea

All judgement, for Kant, is essentially the predication of some property to some subject.

Gist of Idea

Judgement is always predicating a property of a subject


JC Beall / G Restall (Logical Pluralism [2006], 2.5)

Book Ref

Beall,J/Restall,G: 'Logical Pluralism' [OUP 2006], p.21

A Reaction

Presumably the denial of a predicate could be a judgement, or the affirmation of ambiguous predicates?

The 31 ideas from JC Beall / G Restall

'Equivocation' is when terms do not mean the same thing in premises and conclusion [Beall/Restall]
Formal logic is invariant under permutations, or devoid of content, or gives the norms for thought [Beall/Restall]
A step is a 'material consequence' if we need contents as well as form [Beall/Restall]
Logical consequence is either necessary truth preservation, or preservation based on interpretation [Beall/Restall]
Models are mathematical structures which interpret the non-logical primitives [Beall/Restall]
Logical consequence needs either proofs, or absence of counterexamples [Beall/Restall]
Hilbert proofs have simple rules and complex axioms, and natural deduction is the opposite [Beall/Restall]
A 'logical truth' (or 'tautology', or 'theorem') follows from empty premises [Beall/Restall]
Logic studies arguments, not formal languages; this involves interpretations [Beall/Restall]
Propositions commit to content, and not to any way of spelling it out [Beall/Restall]
Logic studies consequence; logical truths are consequences of everything, or nothing [Beall/Restall]
The view of logic as knowing a body of truths looks out-of-date [Beall/Restall]
Logical truth is much more important if mathematics rests on it, as logicism claims [Beall/Restall]
Preface Paradox affirms and denies the conjunction of propositions in the book [Beall/Restall]
Judgement is always predicating a property of a subject [Beall/Restall]
Syllogisms are only logic when they use variables, and not concrete terms [Beall/Restall]
A sentence follows from others if they always model it [Beall/Restall]
The model theory of classical predicate logic is mathematics [Beall/Restall]
It's 'relevantly' valid if all those situations make it true [Beall/Restall]
Excluded middle must be true for some situation, not for all situations [Beall/Restall]
Relevant necessity is always true for some situation (not all situations) [Beall/Restall]
Relevant consequence says invalidity is the conclusion not being 'in' the premises [Beall/Restall]
Relevant logic does not abandon classical logic [Beall/Restall]
A truthmaker is an object which entails a sentence [Beall/Restall]
We can rest truth-conditions on situations, rather than on possible worlds [Beall/Restall]
(∀x)(A v B) |- (∀x)A v (∃x)B) is valid in classical logic but invalid intuitionistically [Beall/Restall]
Free logic terms aren't existential; classical is non-empty, with referring names [Beall/Restall]
Some truths have true negations [Beall/Restall]
A doesn't imply A - that would be circular [Beall/Restall]
Relevant logic may reject transitivity [Beall/Restall]
There are several different consequence relations [Beall/Restall]