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Single Idea 13298

[filed under theme 25. Social Practice / F. Life Issues / 4. Suicide ]

Full Idea

There are many occasions on which a man should leave life not only bravely but for reasons which are not as pressing as they might be - the reasons which restrain us being not so pressing either.

Gist of Idea

Suicide may be appropriate even when it is not urgent, if there are few reasons against it


Seneca the Younger (Letters from a Stoic [c.60], 077)

Book Ref

Seneca: 'Letters from a Stoic (Selections)', ed/tr. Campbell,Robin [Penguin 1969], p.125

A Reaction

This is an interesting and startling claim from the great champion of suicide, who nobly and memorably committed suicide himself. But we all dread a loved one miscalculating Seneca's dialectic, and dying when living would have been better.

The 32 ideas from 'Letters from a Stoic'

One joy of learning is making teaching possible [Seneca]
What philosophy offers humanity is guidance [Seneca]
Selfishness does not produce happiness; to live for yourself, live for others [Seneca]
We know death, which is like before birth; ceasing to be and never beginning are the same [Seneca]
Wise people escape necessity by willing it [Seneca]
To the four causes Plato adds a fifth, the idea which guided the event [Seneca]
Living is nothing wonderful; what matters is to die well [Seneca]
It is as silly to lament ceasing to be as to lament not having lived in the remote past [Seneca]
Life is like a play - it is the quality that matters, not the length [Seneca]
We are scared of death - except when we are immersed in pleasure! [Seneca]
Suicide may be appropriate even when it is not urgent, if there are few reasons against it [Seneca]
A man is as unhappy as he has convinced himself he is [Seneca]
Character is ruined by not looking back over our pasts, since the future rests on the past [Seneca]
Excessive curiosity is a form of intemperance [Seneca]
It's no good winning lots of fights, if you are then conquered by your own temper [Seneca]
If everything can be measured, try measuring the size of a man's soul [Seneca]
Does time exist on its own? Did anything precede it? Did it pre-exist the cosmos? [Seneca]
Wisdom does not lie in books, and unread people can also become wise [Seneca]
That something is a necessary condition of something else doesn't mean it caused it [Seneca]
Even philosophers have got bogged down in analysing tiny bits of language [Seneca]
Philosophy aims at happiness [Seneca]
Nature doesn't give us virtue; we must unremittingly pursue it, as a training and an art [Seneca]
To govern used to mean to serve, not to rule; rulers did not test their powers over those who bestowed it [Seneca]
If we control our own death, no one has power over us [Seneca]
Living contrary to nature is like rowing against the stream [Seneca]
Sometimes we have a duty not to commit suicide, for those we love [Seneca]
Is anything sweeter than valuing yourself more when you find you are loved? [Seneca]
Both teachers and pupils should aim at one thing - the improvement of the pupil [Seneca]
Referring to a person, and speaking about him, are very different [Seneca]
Humans acquired the concept of virtue from an analogy with bodily health and strength [Seneca, by Allen]
The whole point of pleasure-seeking is novelty, and abandoning established ways [Seneca]
Trouble in life comes from copying other people, which is following convention instead of reason [Seneca]