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Single Idea 13310

[filed under theme 1. Philosophy / A. Wisdom / 1. Nature of Wisdom ]

Full Idea

What grounds could I possibly have for supposing that a person who has no acquaintance with books will never be a wise man? For wisdom does not lie in books.

Gist of Idea

Wisdom does not lie in books, and unread people can also become wise


Seneca the Younger (Letters from a Stoic [c.60], 088)

Book Ref

Seneca: 'Letters from a Stoic (Selections)', ed/tr. Campbell,Robin [Penguin 1969], p.158

A Reaction

A useful warning to the likes of me, who may have retreated from the hurly-burly of the agora (see Callicles in Plato's 'Gorgias'), under the illusion that detachment is needed for wisdom. Maybe involvement is needed for wisdom.

The 32 ideas from 'Letters from a Stoic'

One joy of learning is making teaching possible [Seneca]
What philosophy offers humanity is guidance [Seneca]
Selfishness does not produce happiness; to live for yourself, live for others [Seneca]
We know death, which is like before birth; ceasing to be and never beginning are the same [Seneca]
Wise people escape necessity by willing it [Seneca]
To the four causes Plato adds a fifth, the idea which guided the event [Seneca]
Living is nothing wonderful; what matters is to die well [Seneca]
It is as silly to lament ceasing to be as to lament not having lived in the remote past [Seneca]
Life is like a play - it is the quality that matters, not the length [Seneca]
We are scared of death - except when we are immersed in pleasure! [Seneca]
Suicide may be appropriate even when it is not urgent, if there are few reasons against it [Seneca]
A man is as unhappy as he has convinced himself he is [Seneca]
Character is ruined by not looking back over our pasts, since the future rests on the past [Seneca]
Excessive curiosity is a form of intemperance [Seneca]
It's no good winning lots of fights, if you are then conquered by your own temper [Seneca]
If everything can be measured, try measuring the size of a man's soul [Seneca]
Does time exist on its own? Did anything precede it? Did it pre-exist the cosmos? [Seneca]
Wisdom does not lie in books, and unread people can also become wise [Seneca]
That something is a necessary condition of something else doesn't mean it caused it [Seneca]
Even philosophers have got bogged down in analysing tiny bits of language [Seneca]
Philosophy aims at happiness [Seneca]
Nature doesn't give us virtue; we must unremittingly pursue it, as a training and an art [Seneca]
To govern used to mean to serve, not to rule; rulers did not test their powers over those who bestowed it [Seneca]
If we control our own death, no one has power over us [Seneca]
Living contrary to nature is like rowing against the stream [Seneca]
Sometimes we have a duty not to commit suicide, for those we love [Seneca]
Is anything sweeter than valuing yourself more when you find you are loved? [Seneca]
Both teachers and pupils should aim at one thing - the improvement of the pupil [Seneca]
Referring to a person, and speaking about him, are very different [Seneca]
Humans acquired the concept of virtue from an analogy with bodily health and strength [Seneca, by Allen]
The whole point of pleasure-seeking is novelty, and abandoning established ways [Seneca]
Trouble in life comes from copying other people, which is following convention instead of reason [Seneca]