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Single Idea 13362

[filed under theme 5. Theory of Logic / I. Semantics of Logic / 5. Extensionalism ]

Full Idea

If two names refer to the same object, then in any proposition which contains either of them the other may be substituted in its place, and the truth-value of the proposition of the proposition will be unaltered. This is the Principle of Extensionality.

Gist of Idea

If an object has two names, truth is undisturbed if the names are swapped; this is Extensionality


David Bostock (Intermediate Logic [1997], 3.1)

Book Ref

Bostock,David: 'Intermediate Logic' [OUP 1997], p.72

A Reaction

He acknowledges that ordinary language is full of counterexamples, such as 'he doesn't know the Morning Star and the Evening Star are the same body' (when he presumably knows that the Morning Star is the Morning Star). This is logic. Like maths.

The 72 ideas from 'Intermediate Logic'

Extensionality is built into ordinary logic semantics; names have objects, predicates have sets of objects [Bostock]
Truth is the basic notion in classical logic [Bostock]
Validity is a conclusion following for premises, even if there is no proof [Bostock]
It seems more natural to express |= as 'therefore', rather than 'entails' [Bostock]
Γ|=φ is 'entails'; Γ|= is 'is inconsistent'; |=φ is 'valid' [Bostock]
'Assumptions' says that a formula entails itself (φ|=φ) [Bostock]
'Thinning' allows that if premisses entail a conclusion, then adding further premisses makes no difference [Bostock]
'Cutting' allows that if x is proved, and adding y then proves z, you can go straight to z [Bostock]
'Negation' says that Γ,¬φ|= iff Γ|=φ [Bostock]
'Conjunction' says that Γ|=φ∧ψ iff Γ|=φ and Γ|=ψ [Bostock]
'Disjunction' says that Γ,φ∨ψ|= iff Γ,φ|= and Γ,ψ|= [Bostock]
The 'conditional' is that Γ|=φ→ψ iff Γ,φ|=ψ [Bostock]
'Disjunctive Normal Form' is ensuring that no conjunction has a disjunction within its scope [Bostock]
'Conjunctive Normal Form' is ensuring that no disjunction has a conjunction within its scope [Bostock]
Truth-functors are usually held to be defined by their truth-tables [Bostock]
Complete induction assumes for all numbers less than n, then also for n, and hence for all numbers [Bostock]
Ordinary or mathematical induction assumes for the first, then always for the next, and hence for all [Bostock]
An expression is only a name if it succeeds in referring to a real object [Bostock]
In logic, a name is just any expression which refers to a particular single object [Bostock]
If an object has two names, truth is undisturbed if the names are swapped; this is Extensionality [Bostock]
A (modern) predicate is the result of leaving a gap for the name in a sentence [Bostock]
Interpretation by assigning objects to names, or assigning them to variables first [Bostock, by PG]
'Prenex normal form' is all quantifiers at the beginning, out of the scope of truth-functors [Bostock]
Venn Diagrams map three predicates into eight compartments, then look for the conclusion [Bostock]
Non-branching rules add lines, and branching rules need a split; a branch with a contradiction is 'closed' [Bostock]
Tableau proofs use reduction - seeking an impossible consequence from an assumption [Bostock]
For 'negation-consistent', there is never |-(S)φ and |-(S)¬φ [Bostock]
A set of formulae is 'inconsistent' when there is no interpretation which can make them all true [Bostock]
A proof-system is 'absolutely consistent' iff we don't have |-(S)φ for every formula [Bostock]
A completed open branch gives an interpretation which verifies those formulae [Bostock]
A relation is not reflexive, just because it is transitive and symmetrical [Bostock]
Inconsistency or entailment just from functors and quantifiers is finitely based, if compact [Bostock]
Elementary logic cannot distinguish clearly between the finite and the infinite [Bostock]
The syntactic turnstile |- φ means 'there is a proof of φ' or 'φ is a theorem' [Bostock]
A logic with ¬ and → needs three axiom-schemas and one rule as foundation [Bostock]
The Deduction Theorem greatly simplifies the search for proof [Bostock]
MPP: 'If Γ|=φ and Γ|=φ→ψ then Γ|=ψ' (omit Γs for Detachment) [Bostock]
MPP is a converse of Deduction: If Γ |- φ→ψ then Γ,φ|-ψ [Bostock]
'Conditonalised' inferences point to the Deduction Theorem: If Γ,φ|-ψ then Γ|-φ→ψ [Bostock]
Compactness means an infinity of sequents on the left will add nothing new [Bostock]
Proof by Assumptions can always be reduced to Proof by Axioms, using the Deduction Theorem [Bostock]
Quantification adds two axiom-schemas and a new rule [Bostock]
The Deduction Theorem and Reductio can 'discharge' assumptions - they aren't needed for the new truth [Bostock]
Axiom systems from Frege, Russell, Church, Lukasiewicz, Tarski, Nicod, Kleene, Quine... [Bostock]
Natural deduction takes proof from assumptions (with its rules) as basic, and axioms play no part [Bostock]
Excluded middle is an introduction rule for negation, and ex falso quodlibet will eliminate it [Bostock]
Natural deduction rules for → are the Deduction Theorem (→I) and Modus Ponens (→E) [Bostock]
A tree proof becomes too broad if its only rule is Modus Ponens [Bostock]
Unlike natural deduction, semantic tableaux have recipes for proving things [Bostock]
In natural deduction we work from the premisses and the conclusion, hoping to meet in the middle [Bostock]
Each line of a sequent calculus is a conclusion of previous lines, each one explicitly recorded [Bostock]
A sequent calculus is good for comparing proof systems [Bostock]
In a tableau proof no sequence is established until the final branch is closed; hypotheses are explored [Bostock]
Tableau rules are all elimination rules, gradually shortening formulae [Bostock]
An 'informal proof' is in no particular system, and uses obvious steps and some ordinary English [Bostock]
|= α=α and α=β |= φ(α/ξ ↔ φ(β/ξ) fix identity [Bostock]
If we are to express that there at least two things, we need identity [Bostock]
The sign '=' is a two-place predicate expressing that 'a is the same thing as b' (a=b) [Bostock]
Relations can be one-many (at most one on the left) or many-one (at most one on the right) [Bostock]
A 'zero-place' function just has a single value, so it is a name [Bostock]
A 'total' function ranges over the whole domain, a 'partial' function over appropriate inputs [Bostock]
Definite descriptions don't always pick out one thing, as in denials of existence, or errors [Bostock]
Definite desciptions resemble names, but can't actually be names, if they don't always refer [Bostock]
Because of scope problems, definite descriptions are best treated as quantifiers [Bostock]
Definite descriptions are usually treated like names, and are just like them if they uniquely refer [Bostock]
Names do not have scope problems (e.g. in placing negation), but Russell's account does have that problem [Bostock]
The idea that anything which can be proved is necessary has a problem with empty names [Bostock]
If we allow empty domains, we must allow empty names [Bostock]
Fictional characters wreck elementary logic, as they have contradictions and no excluded middle [Bostock]
A 'free' logic can have empty names, and a 'universally free' logic can have empty domains [Bostock]
If non-existent things are self-identical, they are just one thing - so call it the 'null object' [Bostock]
We are only obliged to treat definite descriptions as non-names if only the former have scope [Bostock]