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Single Idea 13526

[filed under theme 4. Formal Logic / F. Set Theory ST / 4. Axioms for Sets / n. Axiom of Comprehension ]

Full Idea

The comprehension axiom says that any collection of objects that can be clearly specified can be considered to be a set.

Gist of Idea

Comprehension Axiom: if a collection is clearly specified, it is a set


Robert S. Wolf (A Tour through Mathematical Logic [2005], 2.2)

Book Ref

Wolf,Robert S.: 'A Tour Through Mathematical Logic' [Carus Maths Monographs 2005], p.62

A Reaction

This is virtually tautological, since I presume that 'clearly specified' means pinning down exact which items are the members, which is what a set is (by extensionality). The naïve version is, of course, not so hot.

The 19 ideas from Robert S. Wolf

Model theory uses sets to show that mathematical deduction fits mathematical truth [Wolf,RS]
Modern mathematics has unified all of its objects within set theory [Wolf,RS]
A 'tautology' must include connectives [Wolf,RS]
Deduction Theorem: T∪{P}|-Q, then T|-(P→Q), which justifies Conditional Proof [Wolf,RS]
Universal Generalization: If we prove P(x) with no special assumptions, we can conclude ∀xP(x) [Wolf,RS]
Universal Specification: ∀xP(x) implies P(t). True for all? Then true for an instance [Wolf,RS]
Existential Generalization (or 'proof by example'): if we can say P(t), then we can say something is P [Wolf,RS]
Most deductive logic (unlike ordinary reasoning) is 'monotonic' - we don't retract after new givens [Wolf,RS]
Comprehension Axiom: if a collection is clearly specified, it is a set [Wolf,RS]
Empty Set: ∃x∀y ¬(y∈x). The unique empty set exists [Wolf,RS]
An ordinal is an equivalence class of well-orderings, or a transitive set whose members are transitive [Wolf,RS]
Model theory reveals the structures of mathematics [Wolf,RS]
Model theory 'structures' have a 'universe', some 'relations', some 'functions', and some 'constants' [Wolf,RS]
First-order model theory rests on completeness, compactness, and the Löwenheim-Skolem-Tarski theorem [Wolf,RS]
In first-order logic syntactic and semantic consequence (|- and |=) nicely coincide [Wolf,RS]
First-order logic is weakly complete (valid sentences are provable); we can't prove every sentence or its negation [Wolf,RS]
An 'isomorphism' is a bijection that preserves all structural components [Wolf,RS]
If a theory is complete, only a more powerful language can strengthen it [Wolf,RS]
The LST Theorem is a serious limitation of first-order logic [Wolf,RS]