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Single Idea 13592

[filed under theme 11. Knowledge Aims / A. Knowledge / 4. Belief / a. Beliefs ]

Full Idea

Beliefs have been ascribed to machines, in support of a mechanistic philosophy, and I share this attitude.

Gist of Idea

Beliefs can be ascribed to machines


Willard Quine (Intensions Revisited [1977], p.123)

Book Ref

Quine,Willard: 'Theories and Things' [Harvard 1981], p.123

A Reaction

[He cites Raymond Nelson] One suspects that this is Quine's latent behaviourism speaking. It strikes me as a crass misuse of 'belief' to ascribe it to a simple machine like a thermostat.

The 6 ideas from 'Intensions Revisited'

Possible worlds are a way to dramatise essentialism, and yet they presuppose essentialism [Quine]
A rigid designator (for all possible worlds) picks out an object by its essential traits [Quine]
Essences can make sense in a particular context or enquiry, as the most basic predicates [Quine]
Necessity is relative to context; it is what is assumed in an inquiry [Quine]
Quantified modal logic collapses if essence is withdrawn [Quine]
Beliefs can be ascribed to machines [Quine]