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Single Idea 13671

[filed under theme 5. Theory of Logic / G. Quantification / 5. Second-Order Quantification ]

Full Idea

Boolos proposes that second-order quantifiers be regarded as 'plural quantifiers' are in ordinary language, and has developed a semantics along those lines. In this way they introduce no new ontology.

Gist of Idea

Second-order quantifiers are just like plural quantifiers in ordinary language, with no extra ontology


report of George Boolos (To be is to be the value of a variable.. [1984]) by Stewart Shapiro - Foundations without Foundationalism 7 n32

Book Ref

Shapiro,Stewart: 'Foundations without Foundationalism' [OUP 1991], p.201

A Reaction

This presumably has to treat simple predicates and relations as simply groups of objects, rather than having platonic existence, or something.

The 31 ideas from George Boolos

The logic of ZF is classical first-order predicate logic with identity [Boolos]
Mathematics and science do not require very high orders of infinity [Boolos]
The iterative conception says sets are formed at stages; some are 'earlier', and must be formed first [Boolos]
Naïve sets are inconsistent: there is no set for things that do not belong to themselves [Boolos]
It is lunacy to think we only see ink-marks, and not word-types [Boolos]
I am a fan of abstract objects, and confident of their existence [Boolos]
We deal with abstract objects all the time: software, poems, mistakes, triangles.. [Boolos]
Infinite natural numbers is as obvious as infinite sentences in English [Boolos]
Mathematics isn't surprising, given that we experience many objects as abstract [Boolos]
A few axioms of set theory 'force themselves on us', but most of them don't [Boolos]
An 'abstraction principle' says two things are identical if they are 'equivalent' in some respect [Boolos]
Limitation of Size is weak (Fs only collect is something the same size does) or strong (fewer Fs than objects) [Boolos, by Potter]
Do the Replacement Axioms exceed the iterative conception of sets? [Boolos, by Maddy]
Boolos reinterprets second-order logic as plural logic [Boolos, by Oliver/Smiley]
Why should compactness be definitive of logic? [Boolos, by Hacking]
A sentence can't be a truth of logic if it asserts the existence of certain sets [Boolos]
Second-order logic metatheory is set-theoretic, and second-order validity has set-theoretic problems [Boolos]
'∀x x=x' only means 'everything is identical to itself' if the range of 'everything' is fixed [Boolos]
Many concepts can only be expressed by second-order logic [Boolos]
Weak completeness: if it is valid, it is provable. Strong: it is provable from a set of sentences [Boolos]
Boolos invented plural quantification [Boolos, by Benardete,JA]
Second-order quantifiers are just like plural quantifiers in ordinary language, with no extra ontology [Boolos, by Shapiro]
We should understand second-order existential quantifiers as plural quantifiers [Boolos, by Shapiro]
Monadic second-order logic might be understood in terms of plural quantifiers [Boolos, by Shapiro]
The use of plurals doesn't commit us to sets; there do not exist individuals and collections [Boolos]
Boolos showed how plural quantifiers can interpret monadic second-order logic [Boolos, by Linnebo]
Any sentence of monadic second-order logic can be translated into plural first-order logic [Boolos, by Linnebo]
Identity is clearly a logical concept, and greatly enhances predicate calculus [Boolos]
Plural forms have no more ontological commitment than to first-order objects [Boolos]
Does a bowl of Cheerios contain all its sets and subsets? [Boolos]
First- and second-order quantifiers are two ways of referring to the same things [Boolos]