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Single Idea 13766

[filed under theme 10. Modality / B. Possibility / 8. Conditionals / d. Non-truthfunction conditionals ]

Full Idea

Ramsey suggested that 'if', 'given that' and 'on the supposition that' come to the same thing, and that the degrees of belief in the antecedent should then conform to probability theory.

Gist of Idea

'If' is the same as 'given that', so the degrees of belief should conform to probability theory


report of Frank P. Ramsey (Truth and Probability [1926]) by Frank P. Ramsey - Law and Causality B

Book Ref

'Blackwell Guide to Philosophical Logic', ed/tr. Goble,Lou [Blackwell 2001], p.396

A Reaction


The 23 ideas from Frank P. Ramsey

"It is true that x" means no more than x [Ramsey]
Sentence meaning is given by the actions to which it would lead [Ramsey]
Either 'a = b' vacuously names the same thing, or absurdly names different things [Ramsey]
Formalists neglect content, but the logicists have focused on generalizations, and neglected form [Ramsey]
Formalism is hopeless, because it focuses on propositions and ignores concepts [Ramsey]
Reducibility: to every non-elementary function there is an equivalent elementary function [Ramsey]
Infinity: there is an infinity of distinguishable individuals [Ramsey]
Contradictions are either purely logical or mathematical, or they involved thought and language [Ramsey]
I just confront the evidence, and let it act on me [Ramsey]
A belief is knowledge if it is true, certain and obtained by a reliable process [Ramsey]
Belief is knowledge if it is true, certain, and obtained by a reliable process [Ramsey]
Mental terms can be replaced in a sentence by a variable and an existential quantifier [Ramsey]
Ramsey's Test: believe the consequent if you believe the antecedent [Ramsey, by Read]
All knowledge needs systematizing, and the axioms would be the laws of nature [Ramsey]
Causal laws result from the simplest axioms of a complete deductive system [Ramsey]
Asking 'If p, will q?' when p is uncertain, then first add p hypothetically to your knowledge [Ramsey]
'If' is the same as 'given that', so the degrees of belief should conform to probability theory [Ramsey, by Ramsey]
Ramsey gave axioms for an uncertain agent to decide their preferences [Ramsey, by Davidson]
Obviously 'Socrates is wise' and 'Socrates has wisdom' express the same fact [Ramsey]
The distinction between particulars and universals is a mistake made because of language [Ramsey]
We could make universals collections of particulars, or particulars collections of their qualities [Ramsey]
The 'simple theory of types' distinguishes levels among properties [Ramsey, by Grayling]
Beliefs are maps by which we steer [Ramsey]