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Single Idea 13828

[filed under theme 10. Modality / A. Necessity / 2. Nature of Necessity ]

Full Idea

Leibniz argued that the necessary truths are just those which can be proved from identities by pure logic in a finite number of steps. ...[232] this claim is vindicated by Gentzen's sequent calculus.

Gist of Idea

Necessary truths are those provable from identities by pure logic in finite steps


report of Gottfried Leibniz (works [1690]) by Ian Hacking - What is Logic? §01

Book Ref

'A Philosophical Companion to First-Order Logic', ed/tr. Hughes,R.I.G. [Hackett 1993], p.226

A Reaction

This seems an odd idea, as if there were no necessary truths other than those for which a proof could be constructed. Sounds like intuitionism.

The 25 ideas with the same theme [understanding the concept of necessity]:

Some statements about what is obvious and stable are as irrefutable as possible [Plato]
Necessity makes alternatives impossible [Aristotle]
What is necessary cannot be otherwise [Aristotle]
Every necessary proposition is demonstrable to someone who understands [Leibniz]
Necessary truths are those provable from identities by pure logic in finite steps [Leibniz, by Hacking]
Necessity is what will be, despite any alternative suppositions whatever [Mill]
Necessity can only mean what must be, without conditions of any kind [Mill]
Nothing necessary can come into existence, since it already 'is' [Kierkegaard]
Necessity is thought to require an event, but is only an after-effect of the event [Nietzsche]
Something can be irrefutable; that doesn't make it true [Nietzsche]
'Necessary' is a predicate of a propositional function, saying it is true for all values of its argument [Russell]
Modal terms are properties of propositional functions, not of propositions [Russell]
Equating necessity with informal provability is the S4 conception of necessity [Lewis,CI, by Read]
Necessity can attach to statement-names, to statements, and to open sentences [Quine]
Kripke says his necessary a posteriori examples are known a priori to be necessary [Kripke, by Mackie,P]
What reduces the field of the possible is a step towards necessity [Harré/Madden]
Statements about necessities need not be necessarily true [Pollock]
Absolute necessity might be achievable either logically or metaphysically [Hale]
Equating necessity with truth in every possible world is the S5 conception of necessity [Read]
We may be sure that P is necessary, but is it necessarily necessary? [Melia]
A sentence is necessary if it is true in a set of worlds, and nonfalse in the other worlds [Hanna]
Maybe necessity is a predicate, not the usual operator, to make it more like truth [Halbach]
Scotus based modality on semantic consistency, instead of on what the future could allow [Walicki]
The modern revival of necessity and possibility treated them as special cases of quantification [Vetter]
It is necessary that p means that nothing has the potentiality for not-p [Vetter]