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Single Idea 13920

[filed under theme 9. Objects / F. Identity among Objects / 4. Type Identity ]

Full Idea

Any individual thing must be a thing of some general kind - because, at the very least, it must belong to some ontological category.

Gist of Idea

Each thing has to be of a general kind, because it belongs to some category


E.J. Lowe (Two Notions of Being: Entity and Essence [2008], 2)

Book Ref

'Being: Developments in Contemporary Metaphysics', ed/tr. Le Poidevin,R [CUP 2008], p.35

A Reaction

Where does the law that 'everything must have a category' come from? I'm baffled by remarks of this kind. Where do we get the categories from? From observing the individuals. So which has priority? Not the categories. Is God a kind?

The 11 ideas with the same theme [being identical in category]:

Things such as two different quadrangles are alike but not wholly the same [Aristotle]
The type-token distinction is the universal-particular distinction [Armstrong, by Hodes]
A token isn't a unique occurrence, as the case of a word or a number shows [Cartwright,R]
Qualitative identity is really numerical identity of properties [McGinn]
Type-identity is close similarity in qualities [McGinn]
Qualitative identity can be analysed into numerical identity of the type involved [McGinn]
It is best to drop types of identity, and speak of 'identity' or 'resemblance' [McGinn]
One view is that two objects of the same type are only distinguished by differing in matter [Lowe]
Each thing has to be of a general kind, because it belongs to some category [Lowe]
Tokens are dated, concrete particulars; types are their general properties or kinds [Rowlands]
'I have the same car as you' is fine; 'I have the same fiancée as you' is not so good [Baggini /Fosl]