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Single Idea 13971

[filed under theme 9. Objects / D. Essence of Objects / 14. Knowledge of Essences ]

Full Idea

Kripke's first (good) route to the necessary a posteriori is based on the idea that certain properties of objects that they can be known to have only a posteriori, may be known a priori to be essential properties of anything that has them.

Gist of Idea

Kripke claims that some properties, only knowable posteriori, are known a priori to be essential


report of Saul A. Kripke (Naming and Necessity lectures [1970]) by Scott Soames - Significance of the Kripkean Nec A Posteriori p.180

Book Ref

Soames,Scott: 'Philosophical Essays 2:Significance of Language' [Princeton 2009], p.180

A Reaction

Interesting, and a key issue. I think this is precisely where I disagree with the Kripkean view of necessities. Logicians want to know a priori what is essential for identity, but scientists want to know what makes things tick. See Kripke on pain.

The 90 ideas from 'Naming and Necessity lectures'

Kripke's metaphysics (essences, kinds, rigidity) blocks the slide into sociology [Kripke, by Ladyman/Ross]
Kripke individuates objects by essential modal properties (and presupposes essentialism) [Kripke, by Putnam]
For Kripke, essence is origin; for Putnam, essence is properties; for Wiggins, essence is membership of a kind [Kripke, by Mautner]
Kripke says internal structure fixes species; I say it is genetic affinity and a common descent [Kripke, by Dummett]
Kripke claims that some properties, only knowable posteriori, are known a priori to be essential [Kripke, by Soames]
An essence is the necessary properties, derived from an intuitive identity, in origin, type and material [Kripke, by Witt]
If we lose track of origin, how do we show we are maintaining a reference? [Kripke, by Wiggins]
Kripke argues, of the Queen, that parents of an organism are essentially so [Kripke, by Forbes,G]
Instead of being regularities, maybe natural laws are the weak a posteriori necessities of Kripke [Kripke, by Psillos]
Kripke separates necessary and a priori, proposing necessary a posteriori and contingent a priori examples [Kripke, by O'Grady]
Kripke's essentialist necessary a posteriori opened the gap between conceivable and really possible [Soames on Kripke]
Kripke gets to the necessary a posteriori by only allowing conceivability when combined with actuality [Kripke, by Soames]
Test for rigidity by inserting into the sentence 'N might not have been N' [Kripke, by Lycan]
Kripke avoids difficulties of transworld identity by saying it is a decision, not a discovery [Kripke, by Jacquette]
Saying that natural kinds are 'rigid designators' is the same as saying they are 'indexical' [Kripke, by Putnam]
If Kripke names must still denote a thing in a non-actual situation, the statue isn't its clay [Gibbard on Kripke]
A rigid expression may refer at a world to an object not existing in that world [Kripke, by Sainsbury]
Kripke has demonstrated that some necessary truths are only knowable a posteriori [Kripke, by Chalmers]
Kripke has breathed new life into the a priori/a posteriori distinction [Kripke, by Lowe]
Kripke was more successful in illuminating necessity than a priority (and their relations to analyticity) [Kripke, by Soames]
Kripke assumes that mind-brain identity designates rigidly, which it doesn't [Armstrong on Kripke]
If consciousness could separate from brain, then it cannot be identical with brain [Kripke, by Papineau]
Kripke says pain is necessarily pain, but a brain state isn't necessarily painful [Kripke, by Rey]
Kripke has a definitional account of kinds, but not of naming [Almog on Kripke]
Kripke derives accounts of reference and proper names from assumptions about worlds and essences [Stalnaker on Kripke]
The important cause is not between dubbing and current use, but between the item and the speaker's information [Evans on Kripke]
Kripke makes reference a largely social matter, external to the mind of the speaker [Kripke, by McGinn]
Kripke's theory is important because it gives a collective account of reference [Kripke, by Putnam]
Nominal essence may well be neither necessary nor sufficient for a natural kind [Kripke, by Bird]
Kripke separated semantics from metaphysics, rather than linking them, making the latter independent [Kripke, by Stalnaker]
Kripke's modal semantics presupposes certain facts about possible worlds [Kripke, by Zalta]
Names are rigid, making them unlike definite descriptions [Kripke, by Sainsbury]
Some references, such as 'Neptune', have to be fixed by description rather than baptism [Kripke, by Szabó]
Proper names must have referents, because they are not descriptive [Kripke, by Sainsbury]
Kripke says his necessary a posteriori examples are known a priori to be necessary [Kripke, by Mackie,P]
A priori = Necessary because we imagine all worlds, and we know without looking at actuality? [Kripke]
The meter is defined necessarily, but the stick being one meter long is contingent a priori [Kripke]
We do not begin with possible worlds and place objects in them; we begin with objects in the real world [Kripke]
Possible worlds aren't puzzling places to learn about, but places we ourselves describe [Kripke]
If we discuss what might have happened to Nixon, we stipulate that it is about Nixon [Kripke]
Transworld identification is unproblematic, because we stipulate that we rigidly refer to something [Kripke]
A table in some possible world should not even be identified by its essential properties [Kripke]
Identification across possible worlds does not need properties, even essential ones [Kripke]
No one seems to know the identity conditions for a material object (or for people) over time [Kripke]
Given that Nixon is indeed a human being, that he might not have been does not concern knowledge [Kripke]
An essential property is true of an object in any case where it would have existed [Kripke]
Given that a table is made of molecules, could it not be molecular and still be this table? [Kripke]
Descriptive reference shows how to refer, how to identify two things, and how to challenge existence [Kripke, by PG]
Intuition is the strongest possible evidence one can have about anything [Kripke]
Rather than 'a priori truth', it is best to stick to whether some person knows it on a priori evidence [Kripke]
A priori truths can be known independently of experience - but they don't have to be [Kripke]
Names are rigid designators, which designate the same object in all possible worlds [Kripke]
A bundle of qualities is a collection of abstractions, so it can't be a particular [Kripke]
That there might have been unicorns is false; we don't know the circumstances for unicorns [Kripke]
Some definitions aim to fix a reference rather than give a meaning [Kripke]
Analyses of concepts using entirely different terms are very inclined to fail [Kripke]
A name can still refer even if it satisfies none of its well-known descriptions [Kripke]
Identities like 'heat is molecule motion' are necessary (in the highest degree), not contingent [Kripke]
We may refer through a causal chain, but still change what is referred to [Kripke]
It can't be necessary that Aristotle had the properties commonly attributed to him [Kripke]
We refer through the community, going back to the original referent [Kripke]
Physical necessity may be necessity in the highest degree [Kripke]
Important properties of an object need not be essential to it [Kripke]
Identity statements can be contingent if they rely on descriptions [Kripke]
If Hesperus and Phosophorus are the same, they can't possibly be different [Kripke]
It is a necessary truth that Elizabeth II was the child of two particular parents [Kripke]
If we imagine this table made of ice or different wood, we are imagining a different table [Kripke]
De re modality is an object having essential properties [Kripke]
Atomic number 79 is part of the nature of the gold we know [Kripke]
Could the actual Queen have been born of different parents? [Kripke]
Terms for natural kinds are very close to proper names [Kripke]
The properties that fix reference are contingent, the properties involving meaning are necessary [Kripke]
Gold's atomic number might not be 79, but if it is, could non-79 stuff be gold? [Kripke]
'Cats are animals' has turned out to be a necessary truth [Kripke]
Science searches basic structures in search of essences [Kripke]
The scientific discovery (if correct) that gold has atomic number 79 is a necessary truth [Kripke]
Scientific discoveries about gold are necessary truths [Kripke]
Once we've found that heat is molecular motion, then that's what it is, in all possible worlds [Kripke]
Tigers may lack all the properties we originally used to identify them [Kripke]
The original concept of 'cat' comes from paradigmatic instances [Kripke]
'Tiger' designates a species, and merely looking like the species is not enough [Kripke]
Identity must be necessary, but pain isn't necessarily a brain state, so they aren't identical [Kripke, by Schwartz,SP]
Identity theorists seem committed to no-brain-event-no-pain, and vice versa, which seems wrong [Kripke]
It seems logically possible to have the pain brain state without the actual pain [Kripke]
Analytic judgements are a priori, even when their content is empirical [Kripke]
"'Hesperus' is 'Phosphorus'" is necessarily true, if it is true, but not known a priori [Kripke]
Theoretical identities are between rigid designators, and so are necessary a posteriori [Kripke]
A name's reference is not fixed by any marks or properties of the referent [Kripke]
Socrates can't have a necessary origin, because he might have had no 'origin' [Lowe on Kripke]
Rigid designation creates a puzzle - why do some necessary truths appear to be contingent? [Kripke, by Macià/Garcia-Carpentiro]