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Single Idea 14246

[filed under theme 6. Mathematics / A. Nature of Mathematics / 4. Using Numbers / g. Applying mathematics ]

Full Idea

If mathematics was purely concerned with mathematical objects, there would be no room for applied mathematics.

Gist of Idea

If mathematics purely concerned mathematical objects, there would be no applied mathematics


Oliver,A/Smiley,T (What are Sets and What are they For? [2006], 5.1)

Book Ref

'Metaphysics (Philosophical Perspectives 20)', ed/tr. Hawthorne,John [Blackwell 2006], p.146

A Reaction

Love it! Of course, they are using 'objects' in the rather Fregean sense of genuine abstract entities. I don't see why fictionalism shouldn't allow maths to be wholly 'pure', although we have invented fictions which actually have application.

The 10 ideas from Oliver,A/Smiley,T

If you only refer to objects one at a time, you need sets in order to refer to a plurality [Oliver/Smiley]
We can use plural language to refer to the set theory domain, to avoid calling it a 'set' [Oliver/Smiley]
The empty set is something, not nothing! [Oliver/Smiley]
We don't need the empty set to express non-existence, as there are other ways to do that [Oliver/Smiley]
The empty set is usually derived from Separation, but it also seems to need Infinity [Oliver/Smiley]
Maybe we can treat the empty set symbol as just meaning an empty term [Oliver/Smiley]
The unit set may be needed to express intersections that leave a single member [Oliver/Smiley]
Logical truths are true no matter what exists - but predicate calculus insists that something exists [Oliver/Smiley]
If mathematics purely concerned mathematical objects, there would be no applied mathematics [Oliver/Smiley]
Sets might either represent the numbers, or be the numbers, or replace the numbers [Oliver/Smiley]