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Single Idea 14272

[filed under theme 10. Modality / B. Possibility / 8. Conditionals / d. Non-truthfunction conditionals ]

Full Idea

Non-truth-functionalists agree that when A is false, 'If A,B' may be either true or false. I say "If you touch that wire, you will get an electric shock". You don't touch it. Was my remark true or false? They say it depends on the wire etc.

Gist of Idea

I say "If you touch that wire you'll get a shock"; you don't touch it. How can that make the conditional true?


Dorothy Edgington (Conditionals (Stanf) [2006], 2.1)

Book Ref

'Stanford Online Encyclopaedia of Philosophy', ed/tr. Stanford University [], p.4

A Reaction

This example seems to me to be a pretty conclusive refutation of the truth-functional view. How can the conditional be implied simply by my failure to touch the wire (which is what benighted truth-functionalists seem to believe)?

The 14 ideas from 'Conditionals (Stanf)'

Simple indicatives about past, present or future do seem to form a single semantic kind [Edgington]
Maybe forward-looking indicatives are best classed with the subjunctives [Edgington]
Inferring conditionals from disjunctions or negated conjunctions gives support to truth-functionalism [Edgington]
Non-truth-functionalist say 'If A,B' is false if A is T and B is F, but deny that is always true for TT,FT and FF [Edgington]
I say "If you touch that wire you'll get a shock"; you don't touch it. How can that make the conditional true? [Edgington]
Conditional Proof is only valid if we accept the truth-functional reading of 'if' [Edgington]
The truth-functional view makes conditionals with unlikely antecedents likely to be true [Edgington]
Truth-function problems don't show up in mathematics [Edgington]
Truth-functionalists support some conditionals which we assert, but should not actually believe [Edgington]
On the supposition view, believe if A,B to the extent that A&B is nearly as likely as A [Edgington]
A thing works like formal probability if all the options sum to 100% [Edgington]
Conclusion improbability can't exceed summed premise improbability in valid arguments [Edgington]
Does 'If A,B' say something different in each context, because of the possibiites there? [Edgington]
Doctor:'If patient still alive, change dressing'; Nurse:'Either dead patient, or change dressing'; kills patient! [Edgington]