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Single Idea 14392

[filed under theme 9. Objects / A. Existence of Objects / 4. Impossible objects ]

Full Idea

A Fregean about existence claims would say that 'that hobbits do not exist' is nothing other than the claim that 'being a hobbit' is not exemplified.

Gist of Idea

Fregeans say 'hobbits do not exist' is just 'being a hobbit' is not exemplified


Trenton Merricks (Truth and Ontology [2007], 3.II)

Book Ref

Merricks,Trenton: 'Truth and Ontology' [OUP 2007], p.43

A Reaction

'My passport has ceased to exist' seems to be a bit more dramatic than a relationship with a concept.

The 26 ideas from 'Truth and Ontology'

Truthmaker isn't the correspondence theory, because it offers no analysis of truth [Merricks]
If the correspondence theory is right, then necessary truths must correspond to something [Merricks]
Fregeans say 'hobbits do not exist' is just 'being a hobbit' is not exemplified [Merricks]
The totality state is the most plausible truthmaker for negative existential truths [Merricks]
It is implausible that claims about non-existence are about existing things [Merricks]
If a ball changes from red to white, Truthmaker says some thing must make the change true [Merricks]
If 'truth supervenes on being', worlds with the same entities, properties and relations have the same truths [Merricks]
Truthmaker demands not just a predication, but an existing state of affairs with essential ingredients [Merricks]
Truthmaker says if an entity is removed, some nonexistence truthmaker must replace it [Merricks]
If truth supervenes on being, that won't explain why truth depends on being [Merricks]
If 'Fido is possibly black' depends on Fido's counterparts, then it has no actual truthmaker [Merricks]
If Truthmaker says each truth is made by the existence of something, the theory had de re modality at is core [Merricks]
Presentists say that things have existed and will exist, not that they are instantaneous [Merricks]
Presentist should deny there is a present time, and just say that things 'exist' [Merricks]
How can a presentist explain an object's having existed? [Merricks]
Truthmaker needs truths to be 'about' something, and that is often unclear [Merricks]
You believe you existed last year, but your segment doesn't, so they have different beliefs [Merricks]
Maybe only presentism allows change, by now having a property, and then lacking it [Merricks]
Speculations about non-existent things are not about existent things, so Truthmaker is false [Merricks]
I am a truthmaker for 'that a human exists', but is it about me? [Merricks]
Some properties seem to be primitive, but others can be analysed [Merricks]
A ground must be about its truth, and not just necessitate it [Merricks]
An object can have a disposition when the revelant conditional is false [Merricks]
Counterfactuals aren't about actuality, so they lack truthmakers or a supervenience base [Merricks]
Being true is not a relation, it is a primitive monadic property [Merricks]
Deflationism just says there is no property of being truth [Merricks]