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Single Idea 14704

[filed under theme 12. Knowledge Sources / A. A Priori Knowledge / 8. A Priori as Analytic ]

Full Idea

Generalized 2D semantics is meant to vindicate the traditional idea that we have apriori access to our own meanings through armchair reflection.

Gist of Idea

2D semantics gives us apriori knowledge of our own meanings


Laura Schroeter (Two-Dimensional Semantics [2010], 2.1)

Book Ref

'Stanford Online Encyclopaedia of Philosophy', ed/tr. Stanford University [], p.12

A Reaction

The idea is to split meaning in two, so that we know one part of it a priori. It is an unfashionably internalist view of meaning (which doesn't make it wrong!).

Related Idea

Idea 14712 A sentence is a priori if no possible way the world might actually be could make it false [Chalmers]

The 19 ideas from 'Two-Dimensional Semantics'

Semantic theories show how truth of sentences depends on rules for interpreting and joining their parts [Schroeter]
'Federer' and 'best tennis player' can't mean the same, despite having the same extension [Schroeter]
Simple semantics assigns extensions to names and to predicates [Schroeter]
Possible worlds semantics uses 'intensions' - functions which assign extensions at each world [Schroeter]
Possible worlds make 'I' and that person's name synonymous, but they have different meanings [Schroeter]
Array worlds along the horizontal, and contexts (world,person,time) along the vertical [Schroeter]
If we introduce 'actually' into modal talk, we need possible worlds twice to express this [Schroeter]
Superficial necessity is true in all worlds; deep necessity is thus true, no matter which world is actual [Schroeter]
2D semantics gives us apriori knowledge of our own meanings [Schroeter]
Do we know apriori how we refer to names and natural kinds, but their modal profiles only a posteriori? [Schroeter]
Your view of water depends on whether you start from the actual Earth or its counterfactual Twin [Schroeter]
Rationalists say knowing an expression is identifying its extension using an internal cognitive state [Schroeter]
Possible worlds semantics implies a constitutive connection between meanings and modal claims [Schroeter]
2D fans defend it for conceptual analysis, for meaning, and for internalist reference [Schroeter]
Contradictory claims about a necessary god both seem apriori coherent [Schroeter]
2D semantics can't respond to contingent apriori claims, since there is no single proposition involved [Schroeter]
Internalist meaning is about understanding; externalist meaning is about embedding in a situation [Schroeter]
In the possible worlds account all necessary truths are same (because they all map to the True) [Schroeter]
Semantic theory assigns meanings to expressions, and metasemantics explains how this works [Schroeter]