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Single Idea 14845

[filed under theme 25. Social Practice / E. Policies / 5. Education / a. Aims of education ]

Full Idea

For heaven's sake, do not pass our Gymnasium education on to girls too! For it often turns witty, inquisitive, fiery youths - into copies of their teachers!

Gist of Idea

Don't crush girls with dull Gymnasium education, the way we have crushed boys!


Friedrich Nietzsche (Human, All Too Human [1878], 409)

Book Ref

Nietzsche,Friedrich: 'Human, All Too Human', ed/tr. Faber,Marion [Penguin 1994], p.199

The 55 ideas from 'Human, All Too Human'

You are mastered by your own virtues, but you must master them, and turn them into tools [Nietzsche]
We could live more naturally, relishing the spectacle, and not thinking we are special [Nietzsche]
The history of morality rests on an error called 'responsibility', which rests on an error called 'free will' [Nietzsche]
Over huge periods of time human character would change endlessly [Nietzsche]
All societies of good men give a priority to gratitude [Nietzsche]
In Homer it is the contemptible person, not the harmful person, who is bad [Nietzsche]
Originally it was the rulers who requited good for good and evil for evil who were called 'good' [Nietzsche]
Pity consoles those who suffer, because they see that they still have the power to hurt [Nietzsche]
Intellect is tied to morality, because it requires good memory and powerful imagination [Nietzsche]
Science rejecting the teaching of Christianity in favour of Epicurus shows the superiority of the latter [Nietzsche]
Execution is worse than murder, because we are using the victim, and really we are the guilty [Nietzsche]
Just as skin hides the horrors of the body, vanity conceals the passions of the soul [Nietzsche]
We get enormous pleasure from tales of noble actions [Nietzsche]
Justice (fairness) originates among roughly equal powers (as the Melian dialogues show) [Nietzsche]
The 'good' man does the moral thing as if by nature, easily and gladly, after a long inheritance [Nietzsche]
First morality is force, then custom, then acceptance, then instinct, then a pleasure - and finally 'virtue' [Nietzsche]
Slavery cannot be judged by our standards, because the sense of justice was then less developed [Nietzsche]
People always do what they think is right, according to the degree of their intellect [Nietzsche]
Apart from philosophers, most people rightly have a low estimate of pity [Nietzsche]
If self-defence is moral, then so are most expressions of 'immoral' egoism [Nietzsche]
Ceasing to believe in human responsibility is bitter, if you had based the nobility of humanity on it [Nietzsche]
It is absurd to blame nature and necessity; we should no more praise actions than we praise plants or artworks [Nietzsche]
Nietzsche said the will doesn't exist, so it can't ground moral responsibility [Nietzsche, by Foot]
In religious thought nature is a complex of arbitrary acts by conscious beings [Nietzsche]
Modern man wants laws of nature in order to submit to them [Nietzsche]
The Greeks saw the gods not as their masters, but as idealised versions of themselves [Nietzsche]
Religion is tempting if your life is boring, but you can't therefore impose it on the busy people [Nietzsche]
Intuition only recognises what is possible, not what exists or is certain [Nietzsche]
No one has ever done anything that was entirely for other people [Nietzsche]
The Sermon on the Mount is vanity - praying to one part of oneself, and demonising the rest [Nietzsche]
Comedy is a transition from fear to exuberance [Nietzsche]
Teachers only gather knowledge for their pupils, and can't be serious about themselves [Nietzsche]
Artists are not especially passionate, but they pretend to be [Nietzsche]
People will enthusiastically pursue an unwanted war, once sacrifices have been made [Nietzsche]
The state aims to protect individuals from one another [Nietzsche]
Christ seems warm hearted, and suppressed intellect in favour of the intellectually weak [Nietzsche]
Interest in education gains strength when we lose interest in God [Nietzsche]
Many people are better at having good friends than being a good friend [Nietzsche]
Why are the strong tastes of other people so contagious? [Nietzsche]
Women can be friends with men, but only some physical antipathy will maintain it [Nietzsche]
People do not experience boredom if they have never learned to work properly [Nietzsche]
Don't crush girls with dull Gymnasium education, the way we have crushed boys! [Nietzsche]
If we want the good life for the greatest number, we must let them decide on the good life [Nietzsche]
Laws that are well thought out, or laws that are easy to understand? [Nietzsche]
Education in large states is mediocre, like cooking in large kitchens [Nietzsche]
We can only achieve happy moments, not happy eras [Nietzsche]
Christ was the noblest human being [Nietzsche]
Culture cannot do without passions and vices [Nietzsche]
Convictions, more than lies, are the great enemy of truth [Nietzsche]
Truth finds fewest champions not when it is dangerous, but when it is boring [Nietzsche]
Deep thinkers know that they are always wrong [Nietzsche]
Simultaneous love and respect are impossible; love has no separation or rank, but respect admits power [Nietzsche]
Our judgment seems to cause our nature, but actually judgment arises from our nature [Nietzsche]
The highest wisdom has the guise of simplicity [Nietzsche]
Being certain presumes that there are absolute truths, and means of arriving at them [Nietzsche]