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Single Idea 1491

[filed under theme 1. Philosophy / D. Nature of Philosophy / 2. Invocation to Philosophy ]

Full Idea

Everyone has the potential for self-knowledge and sound thinking.

Gist of Idea

Everyone has the potential for self-knowledge and sound thinking


Heraclitus (fragments/reports [c.500 BCE], B116), quoted by John Stobaeus - Anthology 3.05.06

Book Ref

'The First Philosophers', ed/tr. Waterfield,Robin [OUP 2000], p.41

A Reaction

This is true. When people are labelled as incapable of philosophy (e.g. by Plato), it is just that they are slow developers.

The 36 ideas from 'fragments/reports'

Everything gives way, and nothing stands fast [Heraclitus]
You can bathe in the same river twice, but not in the same river stage [Quine on Heraclitus]
The sayings of Heraclitus are still correct, if we replace 'fire' with 'energy' [Heraclitus, by Heisenberg]
Heraclitus says that at some time everything becomes fire [Heraclitus, by Aristotle]
Heraclitus said fire could be transformed to create the other lower elements [Heraclitus, by Diog. Laertius]
Heraclitus said sometimes everything becomes fire [Heraclitus, by Aristotle]
All things are in a state of motion [Heraclitus, by Aristotle]
Reason is eternal, but men are foolish [Heraclitus]
If everything is and isn't then everything is true, and a midway between true and false makes everything false [Aristotle on Heraclitus]
Good and evil are the same thing [Heraclitus, by Aristotle]
When we sleep, reason closes down as the senses do [Heraclitus, by Sext.Empiricus]
Heraclitus says intelligence draws on divine reason [Heraclitus, by Sext.Empiricus]
Logos is the source of everything, and my theories separate and explain each nature [Heraclitus]
Logos is common to all, but most people live as if they have a private understanding [Heraclitus]
If happiness is bodily pleasure, then oxen are happy when they have vetch to eat [Heraclitus]
Purifying yourself with blood is as crazy as using mud to wash off mud [Heraclitus]
In their ignorance people pray to statues, which is like talking to a house [Heraclitus]
Beautiful harmony comes from things that are in opposition to one another [Heraclitus]
Donkeys prefer chaff to gold [Heraclitus]
If one does not hope, one will not find the unhoped-for, since nothing leads to it [Heraclitus]
If flux is continuous, then lack of change can't be a property, so everything changes in every possible way [Plato on Heraclitus]
The cosmos is eternal not created, and is an ever-living and changing fire [Heraclitus]
Men who love wisdom must be inquirers into very many things indeed [Heraclitus]
The people should fight for the law as if for their city-wall [Heraclitus]
Reason tells us that all things are one [Heraclitus]
A thing can have opposing tensions but be in harmony, like a lyre [Heraclitus]
The hidden harmony is stronger than the visible [Heraclitus]
Sea water is life-giving for fish, but not for people [Heraclitus]
It is hard to fight against emotion, but harder still to fight against pleasure [Heraclitus]
It is not possible to step twice into the same river [Heraclitus]
To God (though not to humans) all things are beautiful and good and just [Heraclitus]
Senses are no use if the soul is corrupt [Heraclitus]
Health, feeding and rest are only made good by disease, hunger and weariness [Heraclitus]
Everyone has the potential for self-knowledge and sound thinking [Heraclitus]
For man character is destiny [Heraclitus]
A mixed drink separates if it is not stirred [Heraclitus]