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Single Idea 14939

[filed under theme 16. Persons / F. Free Will / 6. Determinism / a. Determinism ]

Full Idea

In the Bohm version of quantum theory, and the Everett approach, the world comes out deterministic after all.

Gist of Idea

Two versions of quantum theory say that the world is deterministic


J Ladyman / D Ross (Every Thing Must Go [2007], 3.7.2)

Book Ref

Ladyman,J/Ross,D: 'Every Thing Must Go' [OUP 2007], p.173

A Reaction

This is just in case anyone wants to trumpet the idea that quantum theory has established indeterminism. It is particularly daft to think that quantum indeterminacy makes free will possible (or even actual).

The 60 ideas from 'Every Thing Must Go'

There is no reason to think our intuitions are good for science or metaphysics [Ladyman/Ross]
The idea of composition, that parts of the world are 'made of' something, is no longer helpful [Ladyman/Ross]
We should abandon intuitions, especially that the world is made of little things, and made of something [Ladyman/Ross]
Modern metaphysics pursues aesthetic criteria like story-writing, and abandons scientific truth [Ladyman/Ross]
Why think that conceptual analysis reveals reality, rather than just how people think? [Ladyman/Ross]
Science may have uninstantiated laws, inferred from approaching some unrealised limit [Ladyman/Ross]
Spacetime may well be emergent, rather than basic [Ladyman/Ross]
In physics, matter is an emergent phenomenon, not part of fundamental ontology [Ladyman/Ross]
Quantum mechanics seems to imply single-case probabilities [Ladyman/Ross]
Physicalism is 'part-whole' (all parts are physical), or 'supervenience/levels' (dependence on physical) [Ladyman/Ross]
The supremacy of science rests on its iterated error filters [Ladyman/Ross]
Metaphysics builds consilience networks across science [Ladyman/Ross]
Progress in metaphysics must be tied to progress in science [Ladyman/Ross]
Metaphysics must involve at least two scientific hypotheses, one fundamental, and add to explanation [Ladyman/Ross]
Some science is so general that it is metaphysical [Ladyman/Ross]
Science is opposed to downward causation [Ladyman/Ross]
There is no test for metaphysics, except devising alternative theories [Ladyman/Ross]
We explain by deriving the properties of a phenomenon by embedding it in a large abstract theory [Ladyman/Ross]
Inductive defences of induction may be rule-circular, but not viciously premise-circular [Ladyman/Ross]
The theory of evolution was accepted because it explained, not because of its predictions [Ladyman/Ross]
What matters is whether a theory can predict - not whether it actually does so [Ladyman/Ross]
The doctrine of empiricism does not itself seem to be empirically justified [Ladyman/Ross]
If science captures the modal structure of things, that explains why its predictions work [Ladyman/Ross]
The Ramsey-sentence approach preserves observations, but eliminates unobservables [Ladyman/Ross]
The Ramsey sentence describes theoretical entities; it skips reference, but doesn't eliminate it [Ladyman/Ross]
In quantum statistics, two separate classical states of affairs are treated as one [Ladyman/Ross]
If spacetime is substantial, what is the substance? [Ladyman/Ross]
Physics seems to imply that we must give up self-subsistent individuals [Ladyman/Ross]
Things are abstractions from structures [Ladyman/Ross]
The normal assumption is that relations depend on properties of the relata [Ladyman/Ross]
Relations without relata must be treated as universals, with their own formal properties [Ladyman/Ross]
A belief in relations must be a belief in things that are related [Ladyman/Ross]
That there are existent structures not made of entities is no stranger than the theory of universals [Ladyman/Ross]
Maybe the only way we can think about a domain is by dividing it up into objects [Ladyman/Ross]
Causal essentialism says properties are nothing but causal relations [Ladyman/Ross]
If concrete is spatio-temporal and causal, and abstract isn't, the distinction doesn't suit physics [Ladyman/Ross]
Concrete and abstract are too crude for modern physics [Ladyman/Ross]
Two versions of quantum theory say that the world is deterministic [Ladyman/Ross]
That the universe must be 'made of' something is just obsolete physics [Ladyman/Ross]
Cutting-edge physics has little to offer metaphysics [Ladyman/Ross]
A metaphysics based on quantum gravity could result in almost anything [Ladyman/Ross]
A fixed foliation theory of quantum gravity could make presentism possible [Ladyman/Ross]
We say there is no fundamental level to ontology, and reality is just patterns [Ladyman/Ross]
Only admit into ontology what is explanatory and predictive [Ladyman/Ross]
Maybe mathematical logic rests on information-processing [Ladyman/Ross]
There is no single view of individuals, because different sciences operate on different scales [Ladyman/Ross]
The aim of metaphysics is to unite the special sciences with physics [Ladyman/Ross]
There are no cats in quantum theory, and no mountains in astrophysics [Ladyman/Ross]
Any process can be described as transfer of measurable information [Ladyman/Ross]
To be is to be a real pattern [Ladyman/Ross]
A sum of things is not a whole if the whole does not support some new generalisation [Ladyman/Ross]
We treat the core of a pattern as an essence, in order to keep track of it [Ladyman/Ross]
Induction is reasoning from the observed to the unobserved [Ladyman/Ross]
Things are constructs for tracking patterns (and not linguistic, because animals do it) [Ladyman/Ross]
Maybe individuation can be explained by thermodynamic depth [Ladyman/Ross]
Causation is found in the special sciences, but may have no role in fundamental physics [Ladyman/Ross]
Rats find some obvious associations easier to learn than less obvious ones [Ladyman/Ross]
A continuous object might be a type, with instances at each time [Ladyman/Ross]
Explanation by kinds and by clusters of properties just express the stability of reality [Ladyman/Ross]
There is nothing more to a natural kind than a real pattern in nature [Ladyman/Ross]