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Single Idea 15323

[filed under theme 3. Truth / A. Truth Problems / 1. Truth ]

Full Idea

I take truth to be a property because the truth predicate has an extension - the collection of all true sentences - and this collection does not (unlike the 'extension' of 'exists') consist of everything, or even of all sentences.

Gist of Idea

Truth is a property, because the truth predicate has an extension


Leon Horsten (The Tarskian Turn [2011], 01.1)

Book Ref

Horsten,Leon: 'The Tarskian Turn' [MIT 2011], p.2

A Reaction

He concedes that it may be an 'uninteresting' property. My problem is always that I am unconvinced that truth is tied to sentences. I can make perfect sense of animal thoughts being right or wrong. Extension of mental propositions?

Related Idea

Idea 5420 Truth is a property of a belief, but dependent on its external relations, not its internal qualities [Russell]

The 46 ideas from 'The Tarskian Turn'

Truth is a property, because the truth predicate has an extension [Horsten]
Semantic theories of truth seek models; axiomatic (syntactic) theories seek logical principles [Horsten]
Inferential deflationism says truth has no essence because no unrestricted logic governs the concept [Horsten]
Nonclassical may accept T/F but deny applicability, or it may deny just T or F as well [Horsten]
Doubt is thrown on classical logic by the way it so easily produces the liar paradox [Horsten]
A theory is 'non-conservative' if it facilitates new mathematical proofs [Horsten]
Friedman-Sheard theory keeps classical logic and aims for maximum strength [Horsten]
'Reflexive' truth theories allow iterations (it is T that it is T that p) [Horsten]
Kripke-Feferman has truth gaps, instead of classical logic, and aims for maximum strength [Horsten]
We may believe in atomic facts, but surely not complex disjunctive ones? [Horsten]
Modern correspondence is said to be with the facts, not with true propositions [Horsten]
The correspondence 'theory' is too vague - about both 'correspondence' and 'facts' [Horsten]
The coherence theory allows multiple coherent wholes, which could contradict one another [Horsten]
The pragmatic theory of truth is relative; useful for group A can be useless for group B [Horsten]
Tarski Bi-conditional: if you'll assert φ you'll assert φ-is-true - and also vice versa [Horsten]
Deduction Theorem: ψ only derivable from φ iff φ→ψ are axioms [Horsten]
Semantic theories have a regress problem in describing truth in the languages for the models [Horsten]
Deflationism skips definitions and models, and offers just accounts of basic laws of truth [Horsten]
Axiomatic approaches to truth avoid the regress problem of semantic theories [Horsten]
Propositions have sentence-like structures, so it matters little which bears the truth [Horsten]
A theory of syntax can be based on Peano arithmetic, thanks to the translation by Gödel coding [Horsten]
It is easier to imagine truth-value gaps (for the Liar, say) than for truth-value gluts (both T and F) [Horsten]
The Naďve Theory takes the bi-conditionals as axioms, but it is inconsistent, and allows the Liar [Horsten]
Axiomatic theories take truth as primitive, and propose some laws of truth as axioms [Horsten]
A definition should allow the defined term to be eliminated [Horsten]
The first incompleteness theorem means that consistency does not entail soundness [Horsten]
Tarski's hierarchy lacks uniform truth, and depends on contingent factors [Horsten]
Strengthened Liar: 'this sentence is not true in any context' - in no context can this be evaluated [Horsten]
Deflationism concerns the nature and role of truth, but not its laws [Horsten]
Philosophy is the most general intellectual discipline [Horsten]
Deflationism says truth isn't a topic on its own - it just concerns what is true [Horsten]
Deflation: instead of asserting a sentence, we can treat it as an object with the truth-property [Horsten]
ZFC showed that the concept of set is mathematical, not logical, because of its existence claims [Horsten]
A good theory of truth must be compositional (as well as deriving biconditionals) [Horsten]
If 'Italy is large' lacks truth, so must 'Italy is not large'; but classical logic says it's large or it isn't [Horsten]
In the supervaluationist account, disjunctions are not determined by their disjuncts [Horsten]
English expressions are denumerably infinite, but reals are nondenumerable, so many are unnameable [Horsten]
Satisfaction is a primitive notion, and very liable to semantical paradoxes [Horsten]
By adding truth to Peano Arithmetic we increase its power, so truth has mathematical content! [Horsten]
This deflationary account says truth has a role in generality, and in inference [Horsten]
Set theory is substantial over first-order arithmetic, because it enables new proofs [Horsten]
Predicativism says mathematical definitions must not include the thing being defined [Horsten]
An axiomatic theory needs to be of maximal strength, while being natural and sound [Horsten]
Some claim that indicative conditionals are believed by people, even though they are not actually held true [Horsten]
Axiomatic approaches avoid limiting definitions to avoid the truth predicate, and limited sizes of models [Horsten]
Truth has no 'nature', but we should try to describe its behaviour in inferences [Horsten]