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Single Idea 15475

[filed under theme 9. Objects / F. Identity among Objects / 1. Concept of Identity ]

Full Idea

We must avoid a use of 'identity' that implies that any entity over time must be said to lack continuing identity simply because it has changed properties or has lost, added, or had substituted some parts.

Gist of Idea

The concept of 'identity' must allow for some changes in properties or parts


C.B. Martin (The Mind in Nature [2008], 04.3)

Book Ref

Martin,C.B.: 'The Mind in Nature' [OUP 2008], p.38

A Reaction

This may the key area where the logical-mathematical type of philosophy comes into contact with the natural-metaphysical type. Imagine Martin's concept of 'identity' in mathematics. π changes to 3.1387... during the calculation!

The 28 ideas from C.B. Martin

Structures don't explain dispositions, because they consist of dispositions [Martin,CB]
'The wire is live' can't be analysed as a conditional, because a wire can change its powers [Martin,CB]
Powers depend on circumstances, so can't be given a conditional analysis [Martin,CB]
Causal counterfactuals are just clumsy linguistic attempts to indicate dispositions [Martin,CB]
Dispositions in action can be destroyed, be recovered, or remain unchanged [Martin,CB]
Causal laws are summaries of powers [Martin,CB]
Truth is a relation between a representation ('bearer') and part of the world ('truthmaker') [Martin,CB]
It is pointless to say possible worlds are truthmakers, and then deny that possible worlds exist [Martin,CB]
Properly understood, wholes do no more causal work than their parts [Martin,CB]
The concept of 'identity' must allow for some changes in properties or parts [Martin,CB]
Structural properties involve dispositionality, so cannot be used to explain it [Martin,CB]
I favour the idea of a substratum for properties; spacetime seems to be just a bearer of properties [Martin,CB]
A property is a combination of a disposition and a quality [Martin,CB]
Properties are the respects in which objects resemble, which places them in classes [Martin,CB]
Properties are ways particular things are, and so they are tied to the identity of their possessor [Martin,CB]
Objects are not bundles of tropes (which are ways things are, not parts of things) [Martin,CB]
Ontology is highly abstract physics, containing placeholders and exclusions [Martin,CB]
Properties endow a ball with qualities, and with powers or dispositions [Martin,CB]
We can't think of space-time as empty and propertyless, and it seems to be a substratum [Martin,CB]
Instead of a cause followed by an effect, we have dispositions in reciprocal manifestation [Martin,CB]
Only abstract things can have specific and full identity specifications [Martin,CB]
If unmanifested partnerless dispositions are still real, and are not just qualities, they can explain properties [Martin,CB]
Qualities and dispositions are aspects of properties - what it exhibits, and what it does [Martin,CB]
A property that cannot interact is worse than inert - it isn't there at all [Martin,CB]
Causation should be explained in terms of dispositions and manifestations [Martin,CB]
Explanations are mind-dependent, theory-laden, and interest-relative [Martin,CB]
Memory requires abstraction, as reminders of what cannot be fully remembered [Martin,CB]
Analogy works, as when we eat food which others seem to be relishing [Martin,CB]