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Single Idea 15694

[filed under theme 14. Science / C. Induction / 3. Limits of Induction ]

Full Idea

We suggest that children overestimate the power of a single example.

Gist of Idea

Children overestimate the power of a single example


Susan A. Gelman (The Essential Child [2003], 06 'The role')

Book Ref

Gelman,Susan A.: 'The Essential Child' [OUP 2005], p.147

A Reaction

This conclusion arises from extensive psychological research. 'My grandma smoked, and she lived to be 97' - adults do this too. Wittgenstein says assuming other minds because of your own is induction from one example!

Related Idea

Idea 5663 It is irresponsible to generalise from my own case of pain to other people's [Wittgenstein]

The 32 ideas from 'The Essential Child'

Essentialism is either natural to us, or an accident of our culture, or a necessary result of language [Gelman]
Essentialism comes from the cognitive need to categorise [Gelman]
Essentialism says categories have a true hidden nature which gives an object its identity [Gelman]
Sortals are needed for determining essence - the thing must be categorised first [Gelman]
Children's concepts include nonobvious features, like internal parts, functions and causes [Gelman]
Essentialism: real or representational? sortal, causal or ideal? real particulars, or placeholders? [Gelman]
Even fairly simple animals make judgements based on categories [Gelman]
Folk essentialism rests on belief in natural kinds, in hidden properties, and on words indicating structures [Gelman]
Labels may indicate categories which embody an essence [Gelman]
Kinship is essence that comes in degrees, and age groups are essences that change over time [Gelman]
Categories are characterized by distance from a prototype [Gelman]
Theory-based concepts use rich models to show which similarities really matter [Gelman]
Causal properties are seen as more central to category concepts [Gelman]
Kind (unlike individual) essentialism assumes preexisting natural categories [Gelman]
Peope favor historical paths over outward properties when determining what something is [Gelman]
Children accept real stable categories, with nonobvious potential that gives causal explanations [Gelman]
People tend to be satisfied with shallow explanations [Gelman]
Children make errors in induction by focusing too much on categories [Gelman]
One sample of gold is enough, but one tree doesn't give the height of trees [Gelman]
Children overestimate the power of a single example [Gelman]
We found no evidence that mothers teach essentialism to their children [Gelman]
In India, upper-castes essentialize caste more than lower-castes do [Gelman]
Prelinguistic infants acquire and use many categories [Gelman]
Nouns seem to invoke stable kinds more than predicates do [Gelman]
Essentialism doesn't mean we know the essences [Gelman]
Memories often conform to a theory, rather than being neutral [Gelman]
Essentialism starts from richly structured categories, leading to a search for underlying properties [Gelman]
Inductive success is rewarded with more induction [Gelman]
There is intentional, mechanical, teleological, essentialist, vitalist and deontological understanding [Gelman]
Essentialism is useful for predictions, but it is not the actual structure of reality [Gelman]
Essentialism encourages us to think about the world scientifically [Gelman]
A major objection to real essences is the essentialising of social categories like race, caste and occupation [Gelman]