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Single Idea 15849

[filed under theme 9. Objects / C. Structure of Objects / 8. Parts of Objects / a. Parts of objects ]

Full Idea

In 'Parmenides' it is argued that a part cannot be part of a many, but must be part of something one.

Gist of Idea

Plato says only a one has parts, and a many does not


report of Plato (Parmenides [c.366 BCE], 157c) by Verity Harte - Plato on Parts and Wholes 3.2

Book Ref

Harte,Verity: 'Plato on Parts and Wholes' [OUP 2002], p.123

A Reaction

This looks like the right way to go with the term 'part'. We presuppose a unity before we even talk of its parts, so we can't get into contradictions and paradoxes about their relationships.

Related Idea

Idea 15850 Anything which has parts must be one thing, and parts are of a one, not of a many [Plato]