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Single Idea 15907

[filed under theme 6. Mathematics / A. Nature of Mathematics / 1. Mathematics ]

Full Idea

Mathematics is today thought of as the study of abstract structure, not the study of quantity. That point of view arose directly out of the development of the set-theoretic notion of abstract structure.

Gist of Idea

Mathematics is nowadays (thanks to set theory) regarded as the study of structure, not of quantity


Shaughan Lavine (Understanding the Infinite [1994], III.2)

Book Ref

Lavine,Shaughan: 'Understanding the Infinite' [Harvard 1994], p.47

A Reaction

It sounds as if Structuralism, which is a controversial view in philosophy, is a fait accompli among mathematicians.

The 33 ideas from Shaughan Lavine

Cauchy gave a necessary condition for the convergence of a sequence [Lavine]
Replacement was immediately accepted, despite having very few implications [Lavine]
The controversy was not about the Axiom of Choice, but about functions as arbitrary, or given by rules [Lavine]
The iterative conception of set wasn't suggested until 1947 [Lavine]
The two sides of the Cut are, roughly, the bounding commensurable ratios [Lavine]
Mathematics is nowadays (thanks to set theory) regarded as the study of structure, not of quantity [Lavine]
'Aleph-0' is cardinality of the naturals, 'aleph-1' the next cardinal, 'aleph-ω' the ω-th cardinal [Lavine]
Counting results in well-ordering, and well-ordering makes counting possible [Lavine]
Ordinals are basic to Cantor's transfinite, to count the sets [Lavine]
An 'upper bound' is the greatest member of a subset; there may be several of these, so there is a 'least' one [Lavine]
A collection is 'well-ordered' if there is a least element, and all of its successors can be identified [Lavine]
Paradox: there is no largest cardinal, but the class of everything seems to be the largest [Lavine]
Paradox: the class of all ordinals is well-ordered, so must have an ordinal as type - giving a bigger ordinal [Lavine]
The 'logical' notion of class has some kind of definition or rule to characterise the class [Lavine]
Collections of things can't be too big, but collections by a rule seem unlimited in size [Lavine]
Pure collections of things obey Choice, but collections defined by a rule may not [Lavine]
For the real numbers to form a set, we need the Continuum Hypothesis to be true [Lavine]
Set theory will found all of mathematics - except for the notion of proof [Lavine]
Second-order logic presupposes a set of relations already fixed by the first-order domain [Lavine]
Intuitionism rejects set-theory to found mathematics [Lavine]
Foundation says descending chains are of finite length, blocking circularity, or ungrounded sets [Lavine]
The iterative conception needs the Axiom of Infinity, to show how far we can iterate [Lavine]
The iterative conception doesn't unify the axioms, and has had little impact on mathematical proofs [Lavine]
Limitation of Size: if it's the same size as a set, it's a set; it uses Replacement [Lavine]
Mathematical proof by contradiction needs the law of excluded middle [Lavine]
The Power Set is just the collection of functions from one collection to another [Lavine]
Modern mathematics works up to isomorphism, and doesn't care what things 'really are' [Lavine]
The intuitionist endorses only the potential infinite [Lavine]
Those who reject infinite collections also want to reject the Axiom of Choice [Lavine]
Every rational number, unlike every natural number, is divisible by some other number [Lavine]
Second-order set theory just adds a version of Replacement that quantifies over functions [Lavine]
The infinite is extrapolation from the experience of indefinitely large size [Lavine]
The theory of infinity must rest on our inability to distinguish between very large sizes [Lavine]