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Single Idea 16510

[filed under theme 9. Objects / D. Essence of Objects / 13. Nominal Essence ]

Full Idea

Nominal essences are unsatisfactory because they fail either of necessity or of sufficiency for membership of the intended kind, they leave unexplained how sortals can evolve, and there is no room for culture or context in our reference to kinds.

Gist of Idea

Nominal essences don't fix membership, ignore evolution, and aren't contextual


David Wiggins (Sameness and Substance [1980], 3.1)

Book Ref

Wiggins,David: 'Sameness and Substance' [Blackwell 1980], p.77

A Reaction

[a compression of a paragraph] I would have thought that Locke would just say it is tough luck if nominal essences can't do all these things, because that's just the way it is, folks.

The 83 ideas from David Wiggins

'Ultimate sortals' cannot explain ontological categories [Westerhoff on Wiggins]
We can accept criteria of distinctness and persistence, without making the counterfactual claims [Mackie,P on Wiggins]
What exists can't depend on our conceptual scheme, and using all conceptual schemes is too liberal [Sider on Wiggins]
Wiggins's sortal essentialism rests on a thing's principle of individuation [Wiggins, by Mackie,P]
'Sortalism' says parts only compose a whole if it falls under a sort or kind [Wiggins, by Hossack]
Identity a=b is only possible with some concept to give persistence and existence conditions [Wiggins, by Strawson,P]
A thing is necessarily its highest sortal kind, which entails an essential constitution [Wiggins, by Strawson,P]
Objects can only coincide if they are of different kinds; trees can't coincide with other trees [Wiggins, by Sider]
Identity is an atemporal relation, but composition is relative to times [Wiggins, by Sider]
A sortal essence is a thing's principle of individuation [Wiggins, by Mackie,P]
Relative Identity is incompatible with the Indiscernibility of Identicals [Wiggins, by Strawson,P]
The formal properties of identity are reflexivity and Leibniz's Law [Wiggins]
We learn a concept's relations by using it, without reducing it to anything [Wiggins]
We can use 'concept' for the reference, and 'conception' for sense [Wiggins]
Relativity of Identity makes identity entirely depend on a category [Wiggins]
Do both 'same f as' and '=' support Leibniz's Law? [Wiggins]
To identify two items, we must have a common sort for them [Wiggins]
Asking 'what is it?' nicely points us to the persistence of a continuing entity [Wiggins]
Identity over a time and at a time aren't different concepts [Wiggins]
The evening star is the same planet but not the same star as the morning star, since it is not a star [Wiggins]
Not every story corresponds to a possible world [Wiggins]
If I destroy an item, I do not destroy each part of it [Wiggins]
Many predicates are purely generic, or pure determiners, rather than sortals [Wiggins]
Is the Pope's crown one crown, if it is made of many crowns? [Wiggins]
Substitutivity, and hence most reasoning, needs Leibniz's Law [Wiggins]
The question is not what gets the title 'Theseus' Ship', but what is identical with the original [Wiggins]
The mind conceptualizes objects; yet objects impinge upon the mind [Wiggins]
Lawlike propensities are enough to individuate natural kinds [Wiggins]
Possible worlds rest on the objects about which we have suppositions [Wiggins]
Activity individuates natural things, functions do artefacts, and intentions do artworks [Wiggins]
(λx)[Man x] means 'the property x has iff x is a man'. [Wiggins]
We can forget about individual or particularized essences [Wiggins]
Hesperus=Hesperus, and Phosphorus=Hesperus, so necessarily Phosphorus=Hesperus [Wiggins]
The possibility of a property needs an essential sortal concept to conceive it [Wiggins]
The idea of 'thisness' is better expressed with designation/predication and particular/universal [Wiggins]
Essences are not explanations, but individuations [Wiggins]
Boundaries are not crucial to mountains, so they are determinate without a determinate extent [Wiggins]
It is easier to go from horses to horse-stages than from horse-stages to horses [Wiggins]
Essentialism is best represented as a predicate-modifier: □(a exists → a is F) [Wiggins, by Mackie,P]
The nominal essence is the idea behind a name used for sorting [Wiggins]
Individuation needs accounts of identity, of change, and of singling out [Wiggins]
Individuation can only be understood by the relation between things and thinkers [Wiggins]
Singling out extends back and forward in time [Wiggins]
The only singling out is singling out 'as' something [Wiggins]
We want to explain sameness as coincidence of substance, not as anything qualitative [Wiggins]
Maybe the concept needed under which things coincide must also yield a principle of counting [Wiggins]
Leibniz's Law (not transitivity, symmetry, reflexivity) marks what is peculiar to identity [Wiggins]
Identity cannot be defined, because definitions are identities [Wiggins]
A restored church is the same 'church', but not the same 'building' or 'brickwork' [Wiggins]
'What is it?' gives the kind, nature, persistence conditions and identity over time of a thing [Wiggins]
Identity is primitive [Wiggins]
In Aristotle's sense, saying x falls under f is to say what x is [Wiggins]
By the principle of Indiscernibility, a symmetrical object could only be half of itself! [Wiggins]
Every determinate thing falls under a sortal, which fixes its persistence [Wiggins]
The sortal needed for identities may not always be sufficient to support counting [Wiggins]
Nominal essences don't fix membership, ignore evolution, and aren't contextual [Wiggins]
Natural kinds are well suited to be the sortals which fix substances [Wiggins]
A 'conception' of a horse is a full theory of what it is (and not just the 'concept') [Wiggins]
Semantic facts are preferable to transcendental philosophical fiction [Wiggins]
Artefacts are individuated by some matter having a certain function [Wiggins]
A thing begins only once; for a clock, it is when its making is first completed [Wiggins]
Priests prefer the working ship; antiquarians prefer the reconstruction [Wiggins]
We conceptualise objects, but they impinge on us [Wiggins]
A is necessarily A, so if B is A, then B is also necessarily A [Wiggins]
It is hard or impossible to think of Caesar as not human [Wiggins]
Realist Conceptualists accept that our interests affect our concepts [Wiggins]
Conceptualism says we must use our individuating concepts to grasp reality [Wiggins]
Our sortal concepts fix what we find in experience [Wiggins]
Animal classifications: the Emperor's, fabulous, innumerable, like flies, stray dogs, embalmed…. [Wiggins]
Matter underlies things, composes things, and brings them to be [Wiggins]
We refer to persisting substances, in perception and in thought, and they aid understanding [Wiggins]
Sortal predications are answers to the question 'what is x?' [Wiggins]
An ancestral relation is either direct or transitively indirect [Wiggins]
A river may change constantly, but not in respect of being a river [Wiggins]
Sortal classification becomes science, with cross reference clarifying individuals [Wiggins]
The category of substance is more important for epistemology than for ontology [Wiggins]
Seeing a group of soldiers as an army is irresistible, in ontology and explanation [Wiggins]
Naming the secondary substance provides a mass of general information [Wiggins]
Substances contain a source of change or principle of activity [Wiggins]
We never single out just 'this', but always 'this something-or-other' [Wiggins]
If the kinds are divided realistically, they fall into substances [Wiggins]
'Human being' is a better answer to 'what is it?' than 'poet', as the latter comes in degrees [Wiggins]
Secondary substances correctly divide primary substances by activity-principles and relations [Wiggins]